30- A Fresh Start

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----Sorry for making Phil a bit baaaad, I just need some drama ok? 📌TECHNO MAKING A CANCER JOKE IM SO SORRY, Open wound shown briefly, Schlatt wearing a sexy dress at the end😏📌----

-Schlatt's POV-

After arriving back at the HQ, which honestly I kinda missed, I was rushed inside in my own, personalized room. The place wasn't that big, I mean, Kristen had turned it into a house after the piano incident, comfortable atmosphere in almost every corner of every room. Though, Mumza didn't hesitate to turn this house into a true home, where me and Techno spend the rest of the week, month and even year.

Time flew right under my nose, it was already New Year's Eve, everyone celebrating around a table full of beer, snacks and surprisingly too many bottles of wine for Techno because he refused to even take a sip of some beer.

"Techno, honey, come on, a small sip for me?" Kristen pat his back sweetly as she downed her own bottle, offering her son some.

"Techno, honey, come on, a small sip for me?" Kristen pat his back sweetly as she downed her own bottle, offering her son some

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"No thank you, I'll stick to the wine Mom." he chuckled, filling the 10th fancy glass of red wine and swirling the deep crimson liquid around between his fingers, downing it right after.

Everyone looks happy with their family, friends and loved ones around the table, whereas I sit alone in the back, chugging tequila mixed with vodka, reminiscing about the year I left behind. My house, my own lover and my friends, who are probably doing a lot better now that I am at New Years Eve. I look at the TV infront of everyone, the crappy musicians singing equally crappy songs are cut short, because people start counting.




"Schlatt come sit here with us honey!" Kristen calls out quickly, and I don't skip a beat, practically jumping over the couch to sit next to her and Techno. I don't even pay attention to the counting much.




Everyone starts cheering joyfully, people hugging eachother, kissing and even popping champagne bottles open, foam spraying everywhere. Kristen didn't hesitate to drown me in hugs aswell, singing her drunk mind out until she got tired, which took a while.

I didn't really find the joy in blasting my vocal cords out, so with a sigh, I got up, walking away. But where to?

Well, I found myself walking up to a balcony, walking out to take some fresh air drinking the random drink I grabbed off a counter. Good thing we were in a relatively remote area, because nobody was really around to see me. I'm wanted and all.

 I'm wanted and all

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