23- The Court

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----No the picture above isn't from ace attorney, shut up you nerd HAH 📌nothing serious JUST TOMMY BEING DEAD AND ALL, PLUS OVER THINKING and a bit of MILD VIOLENCE 📌----

-Schlatt's POV-


One thing I'm laying on the floor, reading through my mind sorting my memories together, and the next, people are rushing in my cell, pulling me up on my feet.

I hadn't even started to realize what was happening, when they started to unbuckle my restrains, throwing the cloth away, and instead, replacing it with crisp cold cuffs around my wrists, making me grumble in pain.

I hadn't even started to realize what was happening, when they started to unbuckle my restrains, throwing the cloth away, and instead, replacing it with crisp cold cuffs around my wrists, making me grumble in pain

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"H-hey!" I cried, as they finally let me go, my legs bending, leaving me to fall down roughly.

"You're ought to get transported, Jonathan Schlatt, get up." one guard commanded, and I hurried to listen, in fear of what they would do to me if I didn't. I'm not a fearless psycho killer anymore, I'm just a prisoner.

Two guards took my hands, one each, dragging me out of the room. Right, court.. Shit! I didn't practice my speech!

I'm screwed.

As I pass the halls, the other prisoners scolded me, yelling harsh names and throwing stuff at me, booing and growling, as if half of them weren't in here for worst stuff than me.

I mean...I'm being charged with one murder.. Not attempted genocide.

After a while, I'm forced in the back seat of a police car where I uncomfortably shifted around with my cuffs, frowning as the skin around the metal started to redden a worrying bit too much.

So... I rested. What else to do?


"So, I'm assuming you're going to this stupid court now Schlatt?" I heard a voice besides me chuckle, and a cold fingers pushing against my face.




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