12- The Reflection

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-Tommy's POV-

"Dad, Wilbur! I'm going to work!" I call out, putting on my shoes and running off the front door quickly as I heard my family yell their goodbyes back.

Now, just saying, work in a flower shop wasn't all too easy, and I may have stepped on a few stuff I shouldn't have, got fired, and now I'm a newspaper boy around town. Massive bullshit.

Me and Fundy worked together, and he lend me one of his old bikes to get around more easily, highly appreciated, he's super cool.

He, Wilbur, Dad and Schlatt all hang out together, despite Fundy being only 19. He was like family to me, almost.

I hoped onto the bike he lend me, foot on the brake and off I go. I cycled around town, before spotting the dirty ginger haired man.

"Tommy! Oh I'm so glad you're here, I was just talking about how many newspapers i had to deliver!" he exclaimed happily, getting off his bike, running up to mine and setting some of the paper in my basket.

"Don't go running off on any cars, yeah? Don't want you to get ran over by a car." he chuckled quietly, and I followed, pushing him away gently.

"See you when we're doneeeeeee, right outside Eret's?" I asked, and he nodded. Through my time with Fundy, we were always talking about his parent, Eret, they were easily the most knowledgeable person in the whole neighborhood, and she had adopted Fundy when he was just four, very sensible.

Due to Fundy's Poliosis, a condition in which, in his case, he had white streaks of hair growing naturally from his head since birth, he grew up in an orphanage, until Eret found him.

But enough of that, I waa supposed to be delivering newspapers.
___________________Time skip_____

After I was done with the delivering, I sped up to Eret's house, where both the person himself and their son were waiting for me.

"Oh Tommy! Glad you're helping out Fundy so much, I can't possibly thank you enough." he she smiled sweetly at me, Fundy taking me by the arm, and now we're running. Oh boy.

"Heyy, Fundy, where are we going?" I ask, turning to see a blushing man waving me off. Aw, he was embarrassed!

"Hey, if you want to hang out, you don't need to shoo me away so early." I joke, and he only sighs.

"Nono, you really gotta go, I bothered you enough already today, Toms." he smiled, reassuring me discreetly. I appreciated that.

"Alright then, as you say, good day!" I hum, waving him goodbye as I hoped on my bike, cycling happily back home.
_______________Time rewind?_____

-Schlatt's POV-

"This ass better not be asleep right- now" I stutter, almost limping my way over to Wilbur's house, blood seeping slowly through my over worn blue hoodie, ugly purple crimsony gagging me up inside.

Ironically? I hated the way blood stuck on clothes, so he better hurry up or I'm getting out of here.

I tap gently on the cold glass window, breath wavery and shaky, I could hardly focus my eyes on one thing. I lay back on the wall, panting softly, I was hiding in the garden, hopefully Phil got the hint.

Finally, after what felt like eternity, this man came rushing outside in his pajamas.

"Good, you finally woke up." I hiss, turning to look at the blonde man, he seemed pretty pissed, not my problem.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now