7- People Assume Too Much

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-Anonymous POV-

Concrete, concrete was all I could see, painted with ink in a cheap red sharpie, I hated the way the dead smell, filthy and disgusting, god, can the human body get any worst? My clothes are dirty, my hat is loose on my head, I didn't know how this could have gone so wrong.

I planned everything, every step, every breath, every blink, I planned it, how could such a filthy person take such thing away? I couldn't stop and just watch, I stabbed them both, a blonde boy and the filthy woman, he was young, but maybe not, i don't have time to think, I pull him over my shoulder and ran, ran out of there before the woman I wasn't actually going for could wake up.

The woman wasn't a very enjoyable asset to my plan, she came in to try and save the boy, so I stabbed her countless times, just to make sure she'd stay silent.

I should go back and dispose of her, but then again, it's not too brilliant of an idea to go right back where you killed someone.

The kid i was carrying was scrunkly, sure, but he wasn't all too light to carry around with all those useless things in his backpack, so I just took it off his back, tossed it in a random garden and continued to run.

It wasn't long before I found myself in a familiar parking lot, panting before I semi collapsed onto the hard floor, the boy still on my back, glad I strangled him enough on the way here because he'd woken up by now.

"You finally showed up?" the familiar voice I was all too happy to hear appeared out of nowhere, making me chuckle and roll my eyes dramatically.

"No need to be so harsh, Q, I was doing my best, alright?" I hum, tossing the kid over on his arms, watching Quackity, my business partner, carelessly pick him up and drop him in the backseat of his car.

"So, what's the boy's name again?" I asked, getting out a random cloth I had on me when I went out for fertilizer, for Quackity and his business. I didn't really care for the boy, I was just acting.

"Oh, yeah, Purpled, or whatever, he's not important right now." he murmured quietly, before turning back to me.

"Next target it this person." Quackity ordered coldly, sending me a name and location of the person right on my phone, before turning and taking a leave.

"Phew, home I go." I announced to myself, simply walking away.

-Anonymous POV-

As I walked back home, all changed into my normal civilian clothes, I breathed in the blood stained on my hands, which were hidden by the sweater I wore.

The smell of iron was exciting to me, it got me so into killing in the first place, I remember enjoying when we did anatomy at school, because of how gross and thick a person's insides could look.

My mind went back to the boy, how much I enjoyed stabbing him repeatedly, in the chest, in the stomach, in the neck, the most fatal parts of the body, as you're always told when you're little.

I loved when his blood spilled down on the concrete, the warmth of it contrasting the coldness of the hard ground completely, it always made me shiver happily.

Even when he was screaming helplessly for help, I was smiling, his vocal cords edging themselves in a final act for freedom off my tight grasp around his neck. And when he stopped screaming? It was just like a musical instrumental, making it's final rehearsal, melodic, but soon to end gloriously.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now