20- The Crimson Gallows

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-Jambo's POV-

Father and Father have been gone for too long, I'm starting to miss them both, the house is hollow without them.

Father liked to pamper me, I love pampering, but now nobody is here to pamper me, only the strangely familiar cat that keeps popping up when I go in the bathroom. He looks exactly like me! He looks magestic.

Though I have an automatic feeding machine Father bought me, I'm afraid the food isn't gonna last for more than a month if nobody comes to check up on me.

Where's that kind tall human with pink hair? He used to pamper me a lot when he snuck in through Father's windows.

I'm not sure there's much I can do either, all I am able to do is nap all day, and meow at the wall. It's getting boring.

I miss biting my Fathers.

I fear no man, I only fear puss in boots

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I fear no man, I only fear puss in boots.
_______________Change of POV____

-Wilbur's POV-

It's been a day, yet it feels like hundreds of them, I am eager to go see Schlatt at the place he's locked in, but Dad doesn't let me, as if I'm too weak, and I won't handle it.

As if. Hah.

"Dad, please, I need to see him, he's my boyfriend!" I whined quietly, begging the blonde man in front of me, sniffling to add in a bit of spice. I was a theater kid after all..

"No chance, you'll wait, or you're never seeing him again." he hissed at me, rubbing his eyes, rough eye bags darkening his face more than usual. He was getting scarier and scarier by the hour.

"I'm not Rapunzel dad!" I huffed, grabbing my coat, as I get out my car, which i had been camping in since Schlatt got arrested.

It was shitty, I know, but I couldn't be bothered.

The icy cold road nade it hard to walk around, but I still pushed through, running as far and fast as I could. I soon reached a train station, where nobody was around. So I just sat in a random bench, huffing and tossing my head back. Why can't life just look up for once?!

.. There, I sat in silence, thinking of nothing in particular, grumbling softly as my head rung, rung and ached. It was if someone took a spatula and was trying to scoop my brain out unsuccessfully.


Random words flew through my mind.

Like red, gun, shoot and run, I don't know what them meant, but the seemed to ease the pain. Just a bit.

My own consciousness slipped away, and in I dipped in my mess of a brain, looking around the grossly packed spaces around my memories, my past, my dreams and my future. It's like I'm looking in a mirror, a dusty one, painted red, with two ram heads curling from the top, down to my face.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now