9- Getting Some Fresh Air

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------GAY, A LOT OF GAY ACTION--------

-Wilbur's POV-

It had been weeks since the incident at the café happened, me, Niki, Tommy and Schlatt all stayed at home, because with a killer on the loose, nobody was safe from fate's reach.

Schlatt would occasionally come over to me and Tommy's house, where we all sat together and talked, which really helped, it was refreshing to talk with someone after getting the biggest scare of your life.

Though one day, as we were all sat in the living room, drinking hot cocoa, someone knocked at our doorstep. Schlatt was the one to get up and get it, humming quietly as he unlocked the door, looking around.

He then frowned, which wasn't all too comforting.

"Um.. Wilbur? There's a letter here for you." he hummed, chills running down my spine, shocking me up, my legs rushed me to the door, where i promptly fell in Schlatt's hands, snatching the letter from his hand.

"Shit." I murmur, words dripping venom and uneasiness, Schlatt must have noticed, cus he helped me back to the couch, sitting me down and giving me my mug of cocoa back.

Tommy was sitting there, watching us closely. He didn't know how to intervene, it seems.

The letter read:

ₜₑ ₕₐc ₙₒcₜₑ ₑₓₛₚₑcₜₐbₒ, ₘₑₐ ₘᵤₛₐ, ₙₑ ₘₑ ₕₒc ₜₑₘₚₒᵣₑ dₑₛₑᵣₐₛ, ₛᵢₘᵤₗ ₘₑₗᵢₒᵣₑₘ fₐbᵤₗₐₘ ₛcᵣᵢbₑₘᵤₛ.

ₛₒᵣₜₑₘ ₐₘₒᵣᵢₛ,
ₜᵤᵤₘ ₛₕₐₖₑₛₚₑₐᵣₑ ♪♪

I froze, the cocoa in my hand felt as if it was a block of ice, i couldn't speak, only quietly set my mug down, staring at the letter, before grabbing my phone, searching for its meaning.

And I got:

I will wait for you tonight, my muse, don't leave me this time, together we will write a better story.

Lots of love,
your Shakespeare.

Schlatt looked over my shoulder, choking on his own spit, who would send this thing?! Wilbur was dreadfully angry, he got up, ripping the letter to shreds and tossing them in the trash bin.

"Wilbur?" Tommy finally mumbled, clueless as to what the letter contained, he was still pretty much a child, immature and curious.

"Tommy, please go upstairs, I need some time alone." I hummed, Tommy getting up, a but upset, and rushing upstairs to his room, shutting the door harshly.

"...Should I leave aswell?" Schlatt asked, getting up from thr couch, slowly walking to the door.

"Nono, please, stay, I don't feel safe all alone anymore, please stay." I rushed, words dangling on one another with how close I was to bursting into tears.

"Alright, alright, let's sit down on the couch and rest, I won't leave." he spoke softly, walking up to me and kissing my cheek, rubbing my hands and pulling me closer to himself, which I happily accepted no problem, laying against his shoulder, while he rubbed my back.

This man, oh what I would do without him, he had an angel's touch, my body immediately collapsed onto his own, and all it too was a little rubbing on my tailbone. I relaxed almost instantly, and he helped me, again, to the couch, laying me back and kissing my forehead.

"Rest, please, I'll be here all you want, yes?" he cooed sweetly, and I calmly pulled on his shirt, signaling him to come closer. I just wanted some warmth, some affection, because my body was cold, and sorrow was brushed all over my eyes.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now