8- Midnight Confessions

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----📌LITTLE GORE AT END, some actual schlattbur for once, 📌LEMONNNNN----

-Wilbur's POV-

Spring was coming up, which meant the nights I spend at Tommy's little living room got more and more lonely and warm as time passed on, dreaming about tragic plays and authors in my free time.

I couldn't help but always linker my mind to our neighbor, who wouldn't sleep until after 5 am in the morning out of habit. Schlatt was always there for me when I needed him the most, even when I was sick, he'd come visit me often.

Tonight, he came over to stay, sleep with me, or even help with my insomnia a little, saying that he was an 'experienced insomniac' himself.

"You want sugar in your tea?" I heard faintly from the kitchen, instinctively turning around to look at the source of the sound, which I knew was Schlatt making us both some tea.

"No, thank you." I hummed, popping a simple smile at him, which he didn't hesitate to return right back at me.

"Figured, I'll get diabetes with how sweet you already are." and of course, it wouldn't be a conversation with Schlatt, if it didn't have any small pick up lines and flirting here and there, though I grew used to it fairly quickly, I still felt my face heat up ever so slightly.

"Oh shut it with your flirting again, you bastard." I hissed jokingly, earning a raspy little chuckle out of the man behind me. We were both sleeping in the living room tonight, me on the couch, him on the floor on my old mat, he said it helped him sleep more easily.

We put Netflix on too, and I was tasked with picking a movie for tonight, but don't you dare ask me any of the options I had, because I was way too focused on Schlatt's hushed voice humming melodically, all while he waited for the water to boil.

"Alright, here you go." Schlatt cooed, passing me my cup of tea, sitting down comfortably on the couch besides me and drinking some of his own.

"So what did you pick?" he asked, as I blush slightly, oh right, I forgot to pick something, oopsie daisy.

"Forgot, my bad." I purred simply, laying my head against Schlatt's shoulder, looking around aimlessly for an interesting looking movie, controller in my left hand, cup of tea in the other.

We were both pretty touchy, me probably a tat bit more than Schlatt, but at that moment? When I layed my head on him? He seemed scared, almost, twitching when skin met skin. Did he not like it? I didn't wanna bother him, quickly lifting my head up again, yawning softly.

I swore i heard an inaudible little sigh from the man next to me, flinching when his hand pressed over mine, his fingers gently pressed against my skin, guiding my hand closer to himself, taking the controller and humming softly, setting a movie up, Matilda.. Really?

"Matilda? You wanna watch Matilda Schlatt?" I hummed, turning to the man, and getting met with a tomato. He was absolutely blushing, hard, even his hands were turning red, which was so so cute.

But before he could answer, he cut himself off, his hand reaching out softly, cupping my face and pulling me right back on his shoulder, resting me gently against himself. But he didn't even pull his hand away, his finger tips gracing my jawline, and even lower, making shivers run down my spine.

Mind you, he didn't even speak, eyes focused on the TV, maybe he was embarrassed, that he liked me resting against him... Awe.

"Schlatt, you like me resting against you?" I asked, a bit hesitantly, since I was pretty shy myself, sipping the last of my tea and setting it away, wrapping my hands around the other man's waist, pulling myself closer to him.

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