15- Where To Hide

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----Mom, I want train station limbo irl! We have train station limbo at home.. Meanwhile, train station limbo at home:----

-Schlatt's POV-

I'm fucked, to sum some things up.

I may or may not have killed someone that I wasn't supposed to, but let's be honest, I left too early to tell if they were breathing or not, and I am currently standing up inside an empty train heading somewhere unknown to me.

Nobody was inside other than me and a tall redheaded woman with her ginger kid spinning around in circles. The smooth flooring under me was unstable, so many years of use, must have suffered worst than me.

The poles and seats were definitely dirty, so I was just handing onto myself for dear life, wind hitting the back of my head with how fast we were going. Sometimes I wonder how Japanese bullet trains feel, we don't have such delicacies here, I assume..

I didn't even know where I was going, I stopped hearing the annoying little announcements that stabbed themselves right in my ears long ago, scrolling through my phone.

I managed to leave the house I invaded unnoticed, with the 30% battery left on my phone and the almost 0% of my mental stability. Though I managed. I should get paid for this...

Forcefully, I got pushed forwards, just because we were stopping in a random station, which I couldn't recognize. It seemed intriguing though, so I stepped outside the train as soon as the doors opened, looking around for any signs.

After some searching, I bumped into someone, someone as tall as me, almost, a bit taller even.

"Oh! Sorry sir!" he apologized to me, and I brushed it off respectfully.

"Erm, what's this area called? I'm pretty lost." i hummed, looking at him, he was buff. Really buff. His hair was long, and he had really sharp and attractive features, I'll give him that.

"Oh? This is Boomerville, would you like some help?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"No, thank you a lot... Em? Your name?" i asked, giving the man my hand, which he happily took, shaking it proudly.

"Noah, sir, but please, call me Foolish." he smiled.

"Thank you Foolish, go now, you'll miss the train." i chuckled waving him off as he ran in, before the doors closed shut, and I was found in a completely new place, with absolutely no way to navigate around.

... Sick.
_______________Change of POV____

-Techno's POV-

Sitting in a car was never so uncomfortable before. Ever.

No talking, no radio music, all the windows closed because of the crisp cold outside, it was all so awkward and grievous.

To top it all off, dad was practically steaming with fury besides me, as I drove us around, having to hear his bitter death threats and warnings towards our poor little Schlatt.

If this is how everyone acts after ten or more years of marriage, I'm better off becoming a raisin alone.

"Dad, c'mon now, don't be so harsh oh him, I'm sure he didn't do anything...too bad." I muttered silently, nudging the grumpy man besides me, but not getting any special reactions out of him either. Oh well.

"I know Schlatt, and I know he's off being a nuisance to society again like usual, so we have to make him listen and come back home, Techno." he hissed, pushing me away, looking out the window with tense eyes. Tense, as in he's keen on jumping out of the window if he spots Schlatt, just saying.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now