5- The Neighbor

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----Smoking, drinking, some flirting----

-Wilbur's POV-

The days were really long, really loud and really sunny, the three combinations I hated the most, long, because I could never see myself keeping track of time correctly, checking my phone every second felt like checking every hour.

The sun was falling on my head, boiling my brain and making soup with my thoughts, adding the whole salt packet and stirring it up with a mixer, you could say I had a pretty bad headache. Even my hair was too hot to touch, i though I'd start steaming any moment now.

And loud? Because the neighbor was having a party in the middle of the afternoon! And he didn't even bother to invite me! (gay ass)

I could see it all, so many people in the house, dancing and drinking huge bottles of liquor, i wondered how big their bladders were, the bright lights, the smoking, oh fuck sake, I thought he was a sweet and quiet dude? Where did he get so many people from? I could pick out more than fourty!

As I was observing the party from my own window, I heard a knock at the door, Tommy, I though, be went to apply for another job, because he was fired from Niki's café. Don't ask me why, I don't know either.... For the most part.

So I very lazily yelled.

"Tommy you forgot your keys again you idiot!" as I got up from my comfortable spot near the sunlight, grabbing my own keys and opening it for him.

But, it wasn't Tommy? It wasn't anyone, actually, nobody was there.

I looked around, nope, nobody, huh, maybe they were here for the party and mistook my place for the neighbors, alright..

So I closed the door again, heading back to my seat. As I sat down, there were two knocks, then three, then four, then five. Nineteen in total, what in the world?

I got up, opening the door, to be met with nobody, again. Is Tommy pranking me? I looked around again, no? Then, I stepped out, only to step on something- crunchy?

I look down, my eyes widening.

A bouquet, a bouquet of pink little flowers, they were cute, sure but who left them here? I l hasn't really talked to anyone except Schlatt, and he was having a flipping party over there, so it couldn't be him.

I sigh, picking the flowers up, and walking inside, humming quietly before grabbing a large vase, placing the flowers in it and setting them on a table. Strange.

After a bit of research online, Wilbur found out the flowers were called Begonia, interesting? It said that they were native to moist subtropical and tropical climates, so it's definitely not from here, unless you somehow associate tropical, with fine exotic concrete roads in America.

______Time skip(days later)______

Me and the neighbor, which I finally found out was named Jonathan Schlatt, got used to each other pretty quickly, we talked and talked everyday, and sometimes he'd visit me with Jambo, just to sit and have fun.

He was really funny, Tommy had to admit aswell, for no reason whatsoever, his jokes were just so effortlessly hilarious, it was hard not to crack a smile when the man was talking.

During all of those little meetings me and Schlatt went on, I finally started taking in all of his details, his everything. The way his his nose wrinkled when he was angry, how he had a slight heterochromia, how easily he'd get flustered when I called him a silly name like "My pretty princess.", he was so full of secrets, I wanted to explore him more and more.. Well, not in that way.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ 1999 (ˢᶜʰˡᵃᵗᵗᵇᵘʳ) Where stories live. Discover now