31- The Night Watch

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----OOP DRAMAAAAAA?!?!?📌depressing thoughts by yours truly Wilbur Soot📌----

-Wilbur's POV-

There's dark purple bags under my eyes making them ready stand out from my almost milky white porcelain shell of skin which, really, makes me look like a starved vampire, and I'm lost in books, cases and files of paper, inky black fingertips staining my face as I lean against my hand, bored out of my mind. It's almost been a decade now, since I took this job and finally started making some profit instead of doing stupid little gigs in random bars nobody even set foot in anymore.

There's a knock on the door, Chief and the unbearable smell of his cigarette ignited words entering my office.

"Soot, you're well past your shift son, go home." Punz told me, finally seemingly fed up with the lack of sleep I was getting looking through files to open or close whenever I remember I still breathe normally. That I'm still alive, waiting for the life to really stick out for me to reach out and grab it. Force it in my mind and make it accept change.

"I told you not to call me that anymore." I simply exclaimed, getting up from my creaky seat, walking over to the window, opting to look outside carefully before closing it shut.

"Punz, I'm looking fo-"

"Yeah yeah, looking for that one case on the last drawer to the right part of my left butt cheek, c'mon Soot, you've been searching for that 'file' for over a week now, I'm not stupid, and neither are you, tell me what's wrong." the man required to know, stopping me dead in my tracks, making me sit back down on my chair, offering me a tempting cigarette which I didn't hesitate to borrow.

"Nothing really, just getting depressed like usual is all, you know me Chief."

"You know I wouldn't be wasting my time and my cigarettes right now if you were really depressed on the daily level, so hurry up and tell me. I'm all ears and mouths to judge after." he proposed, tossing me a lighter after aswell. With a roll of my eyes, I lit the edge of the cig, inhaling the temporarily comforting warmth of my lungs filling with smoke. That seemed to calm the nerves enough for me to start being honest again.

"It's been years Chief, I'm all alone, I live in my dead brother's house, and next to it is my ex murderer boyfriend's house, what isn't wrong?!" I huff out, embarrassed enough to curl my back shamefully, looking down at my own two feet.

"I've been hearing voices too, I hear Tommy talking to me when I'm zoning out at work, and when I go home I can't look at anything without wanting to run from this shitty town, I don't know what to do."


"I look like shit don't I?" I laughed out, coughing out the smoke to at least try and kinda dry the gentle water rivers from passing my chin

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"I look like shit don't I?" I laughed out, coughing out the smoke to at least try and kinda dry the gentle water rivers from passing my chin. Don't wanna get my clothes all soaked.

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