13- World Bearer

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-Schlatt's POV-

Tap tap tap

I hear fairly, as I nap on my bed, cat in my hands and bandages all over my stomach. Grumbling, I sit up from the crispy warm pillows, looking around my-....

"Phil told me you fucked yourself up, sup." I hear behind me, and I snap my head back, a tired long haired man I was used to too much standing there watching me.

"You got to stop doing this." I hiss quietly, standing up and yawning lazily, stretching up.

"No." he hummed quietly, typing away on his phone.

"Well, why are you here, thought you'd take a few months off?" I joked quietly, putting on a blue sweater I found on the floor, looking back at the man.

"I tried, but I wouldn't just turn down a chance like this, arthritis is really bugging me lately, and I've grown immune to the adrenaline caffeine provides me with." he chuckled quietly, and I roll my eyes.

"Alright then, has Phil decided on any meeting spot?" I ask, and get no response.?

"Techno?" I ask, and he's already gone from my room. I hiss, running downstairs, he's playing with my cat.

"Techno." I ask again, and he turns around, nodding.

"Sorry, ADHD." he shrugged, clearing his throat.

"Well, he said he thought about it, and Tommy's place should do the trick." he announced, and then went back to playing with Jambo shortly after.

"Alright, wanna go right now?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"Nah, not really, I enjoy the silence of Tommy's absence, can we wait for a week?" he giggled quietly.

"No, we're going, Blade." I laugh, grabbing him by the arm, aswell as snatching my keys, opening the front door and walking outside.

"Party pooper." he sighed, fixing his shiny gold glasses on his nose bridge, walking ahead of me, right across the road, to Tommy's place.

Before he could even knock at the door, Phil opened, and pulled us both inside. Oh.

"Sh, quiet, Tommy's gone and Wilbur's sleeping, meeting upstairs in his room." he quickly commanded, both me and Techno nod, speeding upstairs, where Quackity layed playfully on the boy's bed, chuckling to himself.

"Oh! You're both here, how eventful!" the Raven purred, as both me and the taller man besides me made ourselves comfortable on the floor.

Then, Phil came in the room, locking the door behind him, sitting down on the desk. Needless to say the only cahir in the room, where it would be most efficient to sit on, was empty.

"Couldn't Cosmo make it?" I ask, none of the people in the room taking the time to answer me.

"Nope." was all I got, so I rolled with it.

"Anyways, what's the meeting for Apollo." Techno asked, and we all turned to the blonde man.

"Well, since Schlatt can't possibly be back at work for a few months, maybe more, we'll have to step in and help the most of the team, yeah?" that was a little off putting there.

"Wait, what do you mean months? I'm fine~" I coo, crossing my arms and waiting for a clever comeback, or a simple explanation as to why it would be too dangerous for me, and that I would, for sure, worsen my situation.

And that's exactly what I got.

"Well, what if you're attacked at your stomach again? Your wounds are still relatively fresh, Schlatt, we can't risk losing you without Ase around." Ase was our personal doctor, back at our main headquarters, he would be available, as long as we paid, and now, I'm not saying we're filthy rich, but we definitely were filthy rich, so he's taken some time off. We exhausted that poor man to death.

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