Chapter 8

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On a cold snowy December day, it was snowing when she was sleeping in the morning and the house was below zero degrees like 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit. She woke up to her boss calling her on the phone telling her to come to work today even though it was so cold. She turned on her heater so that she can be warm and put on four hot covers on her to stay warm while the rest of the house is getting colder as the day goes by. A few minutes later, after the call with her boss ended she went back to sleep because she doesn't want to go to work and wants to stay in all day.

Two hours later, she woke up to turn the tv on to watch her favorite show and movies while in bed. Her favorite all-time show that she likes to watch is "BET", and her favorite movie is "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. She decided to turn to the channel where her favorite movie was showing on tv. She got up to get something to eat while she can watch her favorite movie all day long.

An hour later, one of her friends called her while she was still watching her favorite movie. She didn't pick up her call because she was enjoying her movie so much. As she was watching her favorite film another of her friends called her but she didn't answer instead she left it on voicemail while she continues watching her favorite movie.

As time went by, she noticed she started to get bored so she turn the channel to the "BET' channel to listen to music to dance to, and suddenly a previous song was about to end and she saw next was the song "Unholy" by Sam Smith and Kim Petras. She checked her missed calls and decided to call her friends back to throw a party with this song as the first song on the party playlist. As she finishes calling her friends for the party, she cleans up the mess in her room and fixes her bed to arrange the party she will throw in the backyard.

She goes to the bathroom to remove her flowery purple robe to take a shower for the party. She turns both the hot and cold faucets on to have a lukewarm shower and she got into the shower to reach for the soap to clean her soft skin. She starts putting soap on her beautiful arms to clean off any dirt on her arms then goes down to her chest area to rub the dirt down from her chest to her toes and lets the water run down her body to clean her body.

An hour later, she comes out of the shower and dries herself with her towel wrapped around her to get prepared for the party. She takes out her red purple petal dress to wear and puts it on for the party with her multicolored heels and heads down to get the backyard ready for the party. She brings out the flexible dirty white party table from her garage and cleans the table to make it clear to arrange the party supplies on it. She heads to the kitchen to grab plastic cups as well as plates for the party and heads back to the backyard to arrange them on the clear clean table. She heads back to the kitchen to get food and drinks for the party and goes back out towards the backyard and places the food and drinks on the party table.

A few minutes later, she starts playing her party playlist music when suddenly her crush arrives at her party.

"Hi, my name is Sarah. What is your name?" she asks

" hello there. You're looking fine today. my name is Leo" he said

"Thank you, Leo," she said

"So, is this where you live?" he asks

"Yes, and I live alone too," she said

"Awesome. Do you want to hang out next week" he asks

"Sure, I would love to hang out with you," she said

"Cool cool I will pick you up at 8 pm. Is the time good for you?" he asks

"Yeah, that time is good for me. Can't wait" she said

"Great. Same here. Sick playlist" he said

"Thanks," she said

"You're welcome," he said

He walks by her to enjoy the party while she continues to be lost in thoughts after talking to him when he came to her party. Meanwhile, her friend comes and tries to get her attention but to no avail, and seems like no hope. Then, they tried pinching her, tickling her, and lastly yelling in her ears to get her to notice their presence.

"Hello, Sarah Sarah Sarah we are here," they said

No response from her. She was lost in thought about the possible places and things that Leo and her could do next week.

"Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" they yelled in her ear

"Huh," she said

"We are here," they said

"Oh hi sorry I didn't notice you girls came," she said

"Of course, you didn't. we could tell you was lost in your thoughts" they said

"Yeah, my crush asked me out before you girls came. He is so omg cute" she said

"Where is he now?" they ask

"He is over there by the sound system probably adding more songs to play or something," she said

"Let's go party girls," they said

"Yeah," she said

They went to get a soda to drink so they could drink and dance at the same time. Leo looked back at her while she was around her friends drinking and dancing to music at her party.

"Don't look now but he is looking at you," they said

"Wait, what for real? How do I look" she asks

"Yea he is looking at you. You look great" they said

"Alright," she said

He walks towards her to wave goodbye because it is getting late and has things to do the next day. The party continues at her house while the others are still partying away until Sarah decides to end the party. Four hours later, everyone starts yawning as they are feeling sleepy. They got up to tell her that they were leaving to go home. They walked away and started heading toward their house. Sarah stops the music and puts the dirty plates and cups in the garbage, takes the rest of the food and drinks and her playlist inside her house, and goes to bed.

A week later, it was time for her to get ready for her date so she wore her short deep purple dress with her orange heels and put on her pink lipstick on her soft lips. She brushes her long curly black hair with her red hair brush and looks in her mirror to see if she is looking good for the date she has with Leo.

Suddenly, he shows up in front of her house waiting for her to come out to admire her beauty. Seconds later, she comes out of her house looking beautiful as ever and he turns his head to behold her beauty. She walks towards his black Mercedes Benz car and he comes out of the car to open the door for her so she can sit in the car to be on their way for the date.

An hour later, they arrived at their destination and he came out of the car to open the door for her to close it. He took her to the movies to see a horror movie with him and he bought a bucket full of buttery popcorn to share with each other, a medium size dr pepper drink for him, and medium size coke drink for her and went inside the movie room where the movie they are about to watch and sat in their seats.

As time went by while they were watching the movie, he leaned in to kiss her on her cheek and she started blushing because she was getting excited that he kissed her on her cheek. A few hours later, the movie ended and the lights came on as they were already finished with the popcorn and drinks, and headed out towards the garbage can and headed towards the exit to head home.

He opens the car door for her to go in and closes the door after she goes in the car. Then, he walks towards his side of the car to get in to drive her home, and afterward, he will go home to sleep. He starts the car up and puts on his seatbelt and starts driving to drive her home. He arrives at her house and opens the car door for her to get out and as she is getting out " I really like you a lot" she says

She opens the front door of her house and waves goodbye as she goes inside to head upstairs to her room to sleep. She removes her clothes and heels to put on her pink nightgown and gets in her bed to sleep. He closes the car door and zooms off to his house to sleep

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