Chapter 29

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Sarah was in bed sleeping when a notification woke her up. She saw it was an Instagram notification and unlocked her phone to see the notification. She pressed the notification and it led her to Instagram.

She pressed the heart for notification and saw it was from a username. She became confused as to who this person was. She pressed the profile and saw it was a username that she didn't recognize.

Moments later, the person sent her a message and she didn't want to open the message. She decided not to open the message and continue her sleep. As soon she went back to sleep, another message popped up.

She decided to check the message and see what it said. She saw it was from a random guy that Instagram thinks I know. She looks at the profile pic and laughs.

"Who are you?"

"People don't start with hi anymore. Damn. hi"

"Hi don't answer my answer"

"I will get to it"

"Well I'm waiting"

"I'm Raphael"

"Ok and why are you texting me?"

"I want to make new friends"

"And you chose me?"



"Well, I checked out your profile and you seem interesting"

"I'm not looking for friends"

"Then what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a relationship. Someone to date"

"I could be that for you if you give me a chance"

"What do you even have to offer me?"

"A lot of things"

"Like what?"

As he starts telling her what he can offer her, she gets up to make breakfast. She starts making her coffee to drink and puts her toast in the toaster to eat with eggs. As she is eating she is listening and texting back.

She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth after eating. She goes back on her bed and watches TV. Suddenly, he notices that she isn't replying to the messages anymore.

"Hello, are you still there?"

"I have finished listing what I can offer you?"

"Hello, you there?"


She got up to take a shower and prepare to go to a salon. She put on her clothes and headed out the door. She reached the salon and requested a hair wash.

"Can I have a wash and go please?"


"Thank you"

"No problem"

As the stylist is washing her hair, she closes her eyes. She relaxes her body until the stylist is done washing her hair. Moments later, the stylist put flexi rods in her hair and let her hair dry under the hooded dryer.

As she is under the hooded dryer she checks her messages and sees he's been texting her. She decided not to text back yet. He saw that he's been left on seen.

" so you saw my message and left me on seen, wow unbelievable"

She sees she got another message from him. As much as she wants to reply she wants to enjoy her me day. She closes her eyes and lets her hair dry until it's done.

An hour later, the stylist came to turn off the dryer. She went to sit on the styling chair and the stylist began to remove the flexi rods. The stylist combed out the curls and flat ironed it.

The stylist sprayed hairspray on her hair and turned her around to see her hair. She paid the stylist and went to the nail salon. Unfortunately, the salon was full of people waiting, and she decided to go home.

She took a taxi and dozed off. As she continues to sleep, the more messages he sends. Moments later, the driver wakes her up and she goes inside her house.

She changes her into her pajamas and gets into bed. She reads her messages and realizes he isn't the one. She sends a message to him and goes to sleep.

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