Chapter 12

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On a cold winter day, Sarah was in bed when she was watching a movie on her flat screen tv. She was wearing a blue-violet robe while she was under the covers. She was enjoying her movie until a guy outside her house was playing his music loudly while he was washing his car. She got frustrated and opened her bedroom window to yell at the guy who was playing the music.

"Can you stop or at least turn down your volume, I am trying to watch a movie?", she asks

"Um why would I do that?", he asks

"As I said I'm trying to watch a movie here", she said

"Oh well I can't do that beautiful", he said

"Why not", she asks

"As much as you're trying to enjoy your movie, I also want to enjoy my music as well", he said

"My movie is better than the trashy music that you are listening to", she said

"That's your opinion and I don't care what you think about my music", he said

"Ugh whatever bye", she said

"May I know what is your name?", he asks

"I'm Sarah", she said

"I'm Eric", he said

Why did you want to know my name?", she asked

"I wanted to ask you out on a date", he replied

"Ugh why would I agree to go on a date with you?", she inquired

"Am I not your type? Check me out and give me a chance. You never know. What do you say?", he muttered

She looked at him from head to toe and toe to head and she giggled so hard that she couldn't believe what he just muttered from his mouth. He looked at her with so much confusion on his face and wanted to know what was funny about what he just told her.

"What is funny about what I just told you?" He asked

"The part about you asking me out is hilarious!", she exclaimed

"I am dead serious", he replied

"Really?", she asked

"Yes, give me a chance to show you how serious I am", he pleaded

"Ok, I will give you a chance. Don't mess it up", she stated

"I promise I won't mess it", he replied

"Alright, pick me up around 7 pm", she requested

"See you at 7 pm", he responds

She went back to watching her movie while in her bed. She rewinded the movie she was watching back to the beginning to play it there. She smiled as she was watching the movie and she didn't realize she was smiling at all.

As time went by, the movie ended and another movie began to play on the tv. She was still in bed while he was getting ready to pick her up from her house for the date.

The time continued to fly fast while he was almost done getting ready. She was still in bed laying down watching the movie and didn't know it was almost time for the date. He walked towards her front door and knocked on it.

She checked the time and realized it was 7 pm and rushed down to open the door for him while she rushed upstairs towards her bathroom in her room to shower quickly. She hopes that he doesn't leave and that he can wait until she is ready.

Twenty minutes later, she came out of the shower and rushed to put on clothes for the date. She picked a red dress to wear with black heels and grabbed her hair brush to brush her to rush down to him to leave for the date he had planned with her.

They finally arrived at the restaurant and got a table for two to eat to order the food that they wanted to eat for themselves. She ordered an expensive meal that consisted of crab legs, rice, and fish while he had ordered a very simple cheap meal that consisted of chicken and rice. Moments later, the server brought their food to their table for them to begin eating.

Suddenly, she began to eat the crab legs first in an awkward disgusting way. Everyone started looking at her and murmured with their dates in disgust. He began to notice a flaw in her so he finished his food as fast as he could and waved at the waiter to bring the check over as he was about to leave her at the restaurant. He paid for his food alone and wrote on the back of the restaurant "I can't date someone like you who has no table manners. I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry but this date is over".

She turned the check and noticed that he had already paid for his meal and left her to pay for her meal but didn't bring her purse with her so she had to work that night to pay for the meal. Hours later, she finished working that night to pay for the meal and walked towards her house to sleep. She finally arrived home to remove her heels and dress to put on her pj's and got into her bed to sleep. 

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