Chapter 17

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On a warm Cinco de mayo day, Sarah was out taking a walk to clear her mind when she noticed there was a new building on the block. She looked up to see that it was a recording studio. She walked in to look around and went into the booth to record her voice.

Suddenly, a guy walked in towards the recording equipment quietly and listened to her singing. The guy was in awe of her beautiful her voice was and wanted to offer her a chance to let the world hear her beautiful voice. Moments later, she finished recording her voice and to her surprise, she noticed that someone was listening all along.

"Hi who are you please?", she asked

"I'm Raymond I own the studio", he said

"How long have you been sitting there listening to my awful voice?", she asked

"Not too long. Maybe 25mins or so", he said

"I know I shouldn't be here. I just couldn't help myself. I got to go", she said

"Your voice isn't awful. It's beautiful in its own unique way. Don't put yourself down. You can come anytime", he said

"Ok, thank you. I will, bye", she said

"Would you like to go on a date with me? " He asked

"Why would I go on a date with you?", she asked

They discussed why she should say yes at the recording studio. She looked at him with disdain and left.

She went to the salon to look good for herself. She went to the mall to buy clothes to wear and left. Lastly, she went to her friend's house to share the clothes fairly with them and left.

She went back to the studio as she felt an overwhelming sense to record her voice. She enjoyed the feeling of letting her voice be heard. He noticed that she came back to the studio to record her singing.

"Welcome back", he said

"Thank you Raymond", she said

"I didn't catch your name", he said

"Do you really want to know my name?", she asked

"Yes, I really do", he said

"I'm Sarah", she said

"You haven't answered my question", he said

"What question?", she asked

"Will you go to dinner with me this afternoon?", he asked

"Sure, why not", she said

"Once you're done recording her angelic voice, we will be on our way", he said

"Sounds great", she said

She finished recording her voice in the studio. They went to the restaurant to have dinner. The waiter came to write their food to eat to leave.

They discussed her angelic voice. He offered to work with her to get her to be discovered by agents. She loved the sound of it and agreed.

A few Hours later, they paid the bill and left the restaurant. He drove her home that evening to sleep. He went home to sleep after dropping her home.

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