Chapter 24

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On a rainy day, Sarah was in bed lying down when her boss called her to come to work. She answered the phone and got ready to be on her way. She arrived at work and clocked in. She went to her workstation and began to work.

Suddenly, her stomach began to rumble as she had forgotten to eat breakfast. Her colleagues even heard it too and looked at her with concern. She turned around and noticed they were looking at her.

"Are you okay?", they asked

"Yes, why?", she asked

"You sound like you are hungry", they replied

"Well I didn't have time to eat because you told me to get to the office ASAP", she replied

"I did?", they asked

"Yes, you did", she said

"Well my bad", they said

"Where is the kitchen? I need coffee and muffins right now", she asked

"Go straight down and make a left", they said

"Thanks", she said

She walked to the kitchen and poured herself some coffee with sugar. She took one or two muffins and sat in the kitchen to eat breakfast. Ten minutes later, she walked to her desk to start working while her colleagues were looking at her.

They started whispering while she was working. She was focused on her work and tried not to care about what they were whispering about behind her. Unfortunately, she couldn't focus anymore as she didn't care what they were whispering about and told them to tell her.

"What are you guys whispering about?", she asked

"Don't worry about it", they said

"Why?", she asked

"There is nothing to know", they said

"That's a lie. If there isn't nothing to know then why are you guys whispering?", she asked

"Trust us, we are telling you that there is not anything to know", they said

"Ugh why wont you guys tell me, i really want to know ugh", she replied

"Focus on your job and don't worry about what we are doing", they replied

" but I ", she said

"No buts. Focus on your job", they said

"Ugh fine", she said

She went back to focusing on her job as she was told to do. They continued to whisper about something. She looked at her watch as she couldn't wait for lunch to arrive.

Three hours later, everyone has gone out to lunch while she's in the office ordering food. She looked through their desks to see what they were talking about but couldn't find anything. She played Kesha while waiting for her food to arrive.

Half an hour later, her food arrived, and started to eat. The others were still on their lunch break. As she continued to listen to Kesha, she finished eating and went back to work.

An hour later, her colleagues came back to work and noticed that their desks had been messy. They looked at her and wondered if she had done it or if they had been robbed. They went to her so they could ask her what happened to their desks.

"Why are our desks messy?", they asked

"I don't know", she said

"Well it still doesn't answer our question", they said

"Well I don't know what to tell you", she said

"Uh huh sure you don't", they said

They went to their desks to fix the mess that she may or may not have done. They continued working until it was time to clock out of work. Hours later, it was time to go home and leave the office.

They arrived home to relax until they fell asleep. As she was watching TV, she fell asleep.

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