Eternally yours

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*2 years later*


"Is that all you need for the party?" My mom asked.
"Yea... I think. Everything's done already. Chris is bringing the cake" I responded

It's my daughters 2nd birthday today, we had a girl. Her name is Rosalie Venus Cerulli, she's the most perfect daughter ever.

My mom flew in to help with her granddaughters birthday party. My mom is so in love with her granddaughter.

"Guesss who!!!" I heard a yell while the front door opened. "Uncle!" My daughter yelled running down the stairs . "Oli? I thought you couldn't make it?"I asked while giving him a hug

"Really?! I'll never miss my nieces birthday" he said.

Oli and Hanna divorced. A lot of cheating scandals. Pretty upsetting.

Oli hugged our mom and picked up my daughter
"Your ready for tonight? " he asked. She nodded and he kissed her cheek.

"Any help you need sister?"

I shook my head "I had so much help. Especially with Rosalie having all these band uncles and aunties they helped so much"

Oli laughed, "that's how it is."

"Alright Rosalie let's go upstairs and get you ready everyone should start coming anytime soon."

I bought a house , it's a house I always dreamt of here in Pennsylvania. It's so beautiful

We went into my daughters room and I started brushing her hair "when's daddy getting here" she asked.
"I'm not sure sweetie he hasn't messaged me I'll call later he should be here soon though."

I finished putting her jet black hair in two pony tails. I dressed her in a black skirt with a black shirt that had Chris's band on it and a leather jacket. "Go add your little black bows on your pony tails they should be left on the table downstairs."
Rosalie ran downstairs and I cleaned up the mess.


"Your favorite auntie here" I heard Ryan Ashley yell while walking in.
Rosalie ran up and hugged her "your uncle is bringing in your gifts" Ryan told Rosalie while kissing her head.

"Hi honey how are you" Ryan ashley greeted me "I'm great thank you"

Balz walked in with a shit load of presents. I looked at Ryan ashley "Ryan you didn't have to!"

"Of course I did! You've always been so good to our son !" She laughed

Balz and Ryan had a son . His names Josh jr but we all call him jr .

Josh hugged me and greeted my mom and brother and Rosalie "when's Chris getting here?" He asked.

"He should be here in a bit." I responded

Everyone started showing up. Ryan , Ricky, Angelo , Vinny , TJ, Devin .

Ricky and Jessica got back together. It happened out of no where at all but it's nice to have her back.

Ryan and Allie separated. But they're still friends so it's not awkward that they both came. Kylie and Devin are still riding strong .

The party started not too long ago and so many people are here "momma where daddy?" Rosalie asked me

"Baby he should be here soon don't worry"

Chris was taking forever because he is getting Rosalie a customized baby toy car she can get in and drive . They delayed the pick up order but he should be here soon.

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