Dead as fuck

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*next day*


"No no brieanna."

"Aren't they spelled the Same!" I complained

He chuckled and shook his head "I guess man, she's just those fans that think she's better than everyone and she's my merch girl." Chris said

"Ha loser." I said while eating my chip

"Wait...well we have this thing going on called vans warp tour and we're playing, brieanna is our merch girl...and I could fire her, if you wanted to be my merch girl."

My eyes shot up directly to his "I have a job, I work at a tattoo parlor so I don't think that will work."

"Angelo will give you days off I know he will, he has amazing artists." He shrugged

"How did you know I was working with Angelo?" I questioned

"Well your boyfriend is Chris cerulli, there friends with Angelo, you told me you were a tattoo artist and you work here, so my first thought is you work with Angelo." He calmly spoke

I chuckled "I'll get back to you about working for merch."

He nodded, I glanced at the clock

"I need to go Kylie and Ryan-Ashley are expecting me and I'm going to see miw later." I said while getting up and placing on my shoes

Chris got up and walked me out, shoeless of course

"I'll see you later then." He said
"Actually I'm spending the night over there, so in two days you will." I corrected

He put up the OK sign and sat on the bench

I walked up to my car and started the engine


"We actually invited Megan..." Kylie mumbled

"Is she like a merch girl?" I asked

Ryan-Ashley scoffed and set her hands on the side

"It's Chris's ex..."Allie informed

I felt anxious, why would they do that?

"Oh it's fine." I lied

"Chris and her are very good friends though, they get along and she gets along with us, she lives in New York though so don't worry, we invited couple other bands and friends." She informed

I shrugged and sighed while paying attention to Jessica playing with her cat

"Hey sweetie" Ryan-Ashley spoke while answering her phone

"No no I'm at Kylie's house what's wrong?"

"Are you kidding? I remember when Megan use to do it with Allie and I best times ever!" She laughed at the end

Okay now I'm feeling uncomfortable

"Yea I guess, I'll just ask Allie if she'll do it with me, and I'll bring Kylie to." Ryan-Ashley nodded and hung up

"There merch girl quite the last minute." Ryan said

"And you told balz I'll help ?" Allie questioned while raising her eyebrow

"Oops?" Ryan said causing us to laugh

"Well guess like I'm stuck with my favorite." Jessica said while patting my head

"What do I wear?! We have to be there all day." Allie said while dragging the 'y'

"Sports bra and shorts like we always did!" Ashley squealed while clapping

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