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-6 months later-
Abigails POV

It's been six months and Chris is still in CA. Our relationship has been really tough. I've been trying super hard to keep going. also I'm 5 months pregnant ! I haven't told Chris yet I'm waiting to tell him in person.

I'm at work cleaning up my tools I just finished using on a client. My phone went off and it was a message from Chris

Babe: might not be able to talk much today Abigail. So I don't wanna hear it about me lagging on you.

I rolled my eyes and just laughed because of how mad I was. "Why are you laughing in here by yourself like a weirdo." Angelo said popping his head in the room. I shrugged
"Nothing ang nothing"

His face expression changed "if there's anything you need to talk about just know you can talk to me."  I slightly nodded and just was looking for my keys.

My life has gone really weird right now. It's been shit. My friend Ryland broke up with Ricky . Ricky said she supposedly cheated and  got knocked up by some guy is what Ricky says.

I tried contacting ryland but I haven't heard anything from her and she has me blocked on everything now. My brother Oliver and Hannah haven't been on the best of terms either , Oliver has gone really distant which sucks because I lost my brother once and I don't want to again , but Oliver has been going crazy because of Hannah.

The tour with my brothers band and Chris's band never happened it got canceled because of the whole recording thing.

I just know I have a feeling about Chris and it isn't good and I will find out . Chris never acts this way at all and there has to be a reason.

I walked down the street and unlocked my car and got into it and made my way home.


Chris POV-

I dropped on the bed breathing really heavy
"amazing as always" she said as she got off the bed and started putting on her jeans.

I just nodded and got up to regain my energy. I never speak after this I just stay quiet and get dressed .
"Okay Chris well I'll see you tomorrow?"

I just looked at her as I zipped up my zipper from my jeans . "Um yea Sabrina I'll see you tomorrow." I faked smiled . She winked at me and walked out .

I feel it I'm guilty every time after I do this with her I feel so guilty it's been going on for 4 months already. And yea with my ex Sabrina. The same one that went crazy with Abigail.

I was out late night getting food and I bumped into her and Sabrina invited me to her place to apologize for everything and it just got heated and we started sleeping with each other. I feel really guilty because I love Abigail with my entire life. I don't know why I keep doing it honestly I don't.

Abigails POV

Ive been watching the office a lot lately because of Chris. I'm sitting on my bed and folding clothes what I've been doing for the past two weeks I have nothing better to do.

I didn't even bother to text Chris back because it would've turned into an argument. He hasn't bothered to check up on me either so it doesn't really matter .

My phone buzzed hoping it was Chris but instead it was Ryan-ashley
Hey girl I know you're alone and I am too since josh isn't here want to come over and have dinner?

I smiled and texted her back saying I will and told her I'll pass by a store buying drinks .


I'm at the store getting a couple sodas.
I turned around and saw him again. "Kyle ."

"Abby I've been trying to get ahol-" he stopped his sentence when his eyes when down to my stomach. His emotions looked like they drained and he didn't have anything else to say. It was like an awkward tension just us standing there. "Kyle. Yes um you've been trying to get ahold of me?" I tried finishing his sentence

Right when I spoke his eyes lifted back up to meet my eyes "oh yea I have been I texted you from an u known number a couple months ago." His face was so emotionless . "Oh yea actually I remember yes! I'm so sorry I didn't know that was you I'll for sure try getting back in contact with you."
He slightly smiled and nodded

"congrats Abby." He pointed at my stomach , congratulating me on my pregnancy
"Oh the baby yea um thank you Kyle I think I still have that number saved I'll try getting back to you when I have time just with work and everything it's just a lot dr appointments."

"No no rush just whenever you have time... it was nice seeing you again." He quickly rushed past me. I can feel a frown forming on my face on how hurt he was it seems like I continue hurting this boy.

I walked to the self checkout . I'm going to be surprising Ryan-ashley that I'm pregnant . No one knows not even my mom I haven't seen the girls or anyone in 6 months. Well Angelo knows because I work for him , but other than that no one else knows so this just be exciting.

I put the car in parked and turned off the engine . My mind can get off how sad and empty Kyle looked when he saw my stomach. I feel so bad but I have no feelings for him anymore. I have everything I want with Chris. My dream man and my dream life. I sighed and walked out of the car with the grocery bags.


Yes I'm back to updating I skipped a few months to get this story going again. I didn't update because I wasn't really on my phone I didn't want to be interacted with social media but life has been picking up again and barely starting to get better so I do feel way better and I have a lot of time now to update my stories.

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