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"And one more just hold on...." I said telling the 17 year old as she gripped her boyfriends hand very tight

"There." I smiled as I wrapped up her unborn child's name on her leg, "how far are you?" I asked as my eyes went to her belly

"8 months." She muttered as she sighed at the end "are you excited?" I asked as a smile appeared on her face
"Yes, we literally cannot wait."

"Did this affect your mom or anything..since you are young." I said as I cleaned the tools "I actually got kicked out... It's either I get a abortion or leave the house, but I was not going to lose my life." She said as she smiled

"You made a good choice, I need to get on with my next patient, but I hope you stop by so I can see your baby girl." I smiled "of course, cmon Jeremy." She said as she tugged on his shirt

I chuckled and called out to tell tarrissa to send in the next person "well well well, you just cant stay away from me can't you." I muttered as I saw oli leaning on the door frame

"It's not that, I'm engaged remember! I just wanted to hang out with you but you never answered my calls or text."he said as he took a seat on the chair

"Well, you are my last patient so I guess we can hang out" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully

"HIPPIE!" He screamed making me drop my phone "f..u.c..k." I whispered as my phone shattered

"OH OLI YOU OWE ME!" I screamed "let's go I could buy you one grumpy pants" he said as

I sighed and grabbed my shattered phone and threw it in my bag, I grabbed my purse and turned off the lights and closed my door

"All done?" Terrissa asked

"Oli didn't even need a tattoo, instead he was here to shatter my phone" I glared at him

"Anyways I'm done." I replied as oli and I left the shop

We spent 5 hours together and of course I bought my own new phone

"What do you do for a living?" I aske taking a bite of my cheese pizza

"I sing in a band called bring me the horizon."

"Oh cool." I said as I turned off the TV

"I have shit to do tomorrow so you can't keep me up so you have to go mr.singer." I said as I got up and unlocked the front door

"Wow pushy much?" He said

"Wow annoying much?" I replied as he laughed and walked out

I closed the door and locked it

{let's speed shit up a bit}

(1 day later later)

"So everything's there?!" I asked over the phone

"Yes everything is inside your new home just organize the way you want."Angelo spoke over the phone

"Thx ange, I can't wait! Oh my god I should be getting ready motionless in white are flying in, in 10 min and I'm at the airport bye"

I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket

Rylan came with me cause I didn't want to wait by myself and look like a loner, "I'm going to grab my water bottle in the car I'll be back" Ry said as she got up from her chair

I nodded and had my hands in my pockets "flight to Scranton now boarding." I jumped up meaning that Scranton just got off their flight

Chris is here!

I walked more near to the landings and I saw him...

Balz patted his shoulder and pointed at me

Chris looked up and smiled, I ran to him and jumped into his arms

"Oh my god I missed you!" I screamed while smashing my lips on his, his hands trailed up to my back and he held me tighter as I wrapped my legs around his waist

I leaned away to catch my breath "oh my god I miss being in your arms!" I said as Chris put  me down

"You're  so beautiful." He cupped my face and kissed me once again his lips are so soft and cold from the piercings

"Ew stop." I heard Ricky's voice Chris turned around and smacked his face "Weiner boy." Chris spat causing me the chuckle

I got out of Chris hold and greeted Ryan, balz, and Devin

The boys needed a ride to the venue so of course I had to take them

Walking towards the car I saw Ry leaning on the truck on her phone "Rylan.!" I yelled causin her to flinch and looked at me "what?" She said

"This is Chris, Ryan, balz, Devin, and annoying ass Ricky." I concluded smirking at Ricky

"H-hi im Rylan." She stuttered while looking at Ricky, I hope she doesn't try anything, as much as I love Ry I need Jessica and Ricky to get back together

"Hey." Ricky said while shaking her hand "uh huh well let's get in the car you guys have a show in 5 hours." I said
While Chris and balz threw the bags in the trunk

Everyone got in the car and I started making my way to the venue


"A-m-e-r-I-c-a so why the fuck are you looking at me?! BLEGH!!"

"Is that better Korel?" Chris asked his manager

"Yea just make sure your mic is up a bit and it'll be perfect" Korel said while putting the okay sign up

"Thy even practice really good" Ry whispered I nodded and paid attention to the band perform


*5 hours later*

The American horror story Rene song started playing, Chris and I were backstage and saw the crowd, "woah Chris that a lot of people." I mumbled

"I know, but I just love doing this." He said I smiled and turned so I can face him, I got on my toes and Chris and I exchanged kisses "make me satisfied today with this show." I winked

"Anything for you baby girl" he winked back causing me to chuckle

Chris turned around "everyone ready?" He said as he looked at balz vinny Ryan and Devin "where's Ricky?" I questioned

"I don't know dressing room?" Chris suggested, vinny Chris an I walked to the backstage to the dressing room

"Ricky were going on the stage s-"

Ricky and Rylan were basically sucking there faces off in the sofa "oh my." I whispered "RYLAN!" I yelled causing her to fall off of Ricky and vinny laughing

"Woah privacy?!" Ricky said "woah this is motionless in white dressing room.!" I responded

"We're on Richard c'mon." Chris said as he grabbed my hand and we both went back I the stages backstage

The music when off no the lights went off "MO-TION-LESS!" The crowd screamed

"Ry cmon." I said as we made our why to the crowd



"Last one of the night, before we finish the last song I will want to say something, you all have school tomorrow." The whole crowed screamed

"And it's like 12 am so fuck school this ones for all those fucking teachers that don't believe in you."

Immaculate misconception


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