Days go slow.

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Abigail's POV
*next day*

My alarm clock went off.

I woke up and yawn while stretching, I reached out for my phone

1 missed call from Chris
2 missed FaceTime calls from Chris
4 messages from Chris

I clicked the messages and read them;

Hey Abby I hope I didn't wake you, I hope you have a good sleep beautiful

Can't wait for next month!

I got your backstage passes

Good morning <3

I smiled and rubbed my eyes before responding; 'sorry I didn't answer I was asleep, I'll try calling you later today, but good morning <3 '

I sent it and got up and walked to my lil kitchen, I grabbed a bowl and a Cheerios, I warmed up the milk and added the cereal to the bowl

After I finish eating I go change into my black loose skirt and my new motionless in white shirt I bought in Scranton, I tucked in the shirt and grabbed my black vans.

I grabbed my bag, Rylan should know I'm leaving so I just let her sleep, I got in my car and started the engine

I walked in the shop seeing Terrisa looking through a magazine. "Morning." I said while walking in

"Morning, hey Abby Alex has been acting different, but in a good way, she's been talking and smiling more, did you ad rylan tell her anything?" She asked while raising her thin eyebrow

"Well she wanted to know how Ry and I look, I told her and I told her how beautiful she is, I guess she liked it cause she was happy the rest of the night." I explained while propping my elbows on the counter and resting my head on my hands

"Thank you, I'm glad she's been more happier since yesterday, she was talking to Ron she hardly talks to Ron, she wasn't happy that her father and I left each other, but I think she's getting over it, thank you." Her lips turned into a curve making a smile

"No problem, I've known Alex since she was born, so I I treat her like my own niece, I'm going to go clean my tools." I walked to the back of the shop and unlocked the door to my tattoo room

I cleaned my tools and put my gloves on, I glanced at the clock, he should be here in 10 min or less.

I started shuffling through pictures of tattoos I did when I first started, I improved a lot.
I heard a bell go off meaning someone walked in the shop

I heard footsteps walking towards my room, "hey Abigail your patient is here." Terrisa informed me

I nodded and walk towards the front of the shop, seeing a man, he was tall his arms were both covered with tattoos, he had a beanie which read 'dropdead'
He had skinny jeans and a black muscle shirt, with wavy brown hair, his hair was brown like mine, well when my hair was brown, and his eyes are also brown, similar to mine, but I have blue contacts so their not brown now

"You must be oli?" I questioned towards the man "yes I am, shall you be the one doing my tattoo this evening?" His British accent flowing in

"Yes I am, follow me sairrr." He did as I said and followed me to the back of the shop an into the room

"Lay there and tell me what you want." I said painting at our bed couch thing
"Here." He said while handing me a paper with a drawing of it, I smiled at how nice it was and how the details were described perfectly

"Did you draw this?" I asked while looking up at him "why yes I did, is it delightful?" He asked while smiling

"Of course! I mean we are all artist in this shop but this is amazing." I exclaimed while starting my tools

He wanted it behind his legs so I started tracing it there, I felt him gripping on the blanket we had set down and he was shutting his eyes cause of the pain

*39 min later*

"Okay we're done, I like it." I smiled

"Miss, may I?" (A/N : if you know that band ily <3 )

"You may." I answered as he got up and looked at it in the mirror

"Incredible." He muttered "glad you like it." I muttered back

"We should hang out sometime." He said while turning to me, I chuckled and shook my head "I can't, certainly not, I'm taken." I informed "I'm engaged." He quickly said

He sighed and said," I meant as friends, I really didn't want to get with you in not like that, I meant as friends since I need new friends."

"Oh I'm okay here's my number." I wrote down my number and gave him the paper "okay why thank you, I'll see you around." He said while waving and leaving my room

I felt weird around him, he seemed so similar like if I knew him, but I didn't, I probably seen him around stores or something. I shrugged it off and cleaned my stuff and threw away my gloves

I grabbed my purse and walked out of the room and said goodbye to tarrissa

I made my way in the car and called Chris

After the third ring he picked up

'Hey beautiful.'

'Hey, what's up.' I said as I started the engine

'Nothing just finished sound check for the 6th time' he sighed at the end of the sentence

'Oh, I'm just finished.., hold on.' I paused as I made a U turn since I skipped Winco

'Anyways I just finished someone's tattoo so I'm going grocery shopping' I concluded

'Fun, I'm really excited to see you next month and I can't wait for you to see me perform for the first time'

'Oh yea about that um-'

'Don't tell me your not going' he cut me off

'No no I am going I meant if it's fine if I bring my friend Rylan. She's not a fangirl that sequels so.' I said as I unbuckled and walked in the store

'Oh, yea sure that's fine.' I nodded and thanked him

'I have to start packing since we start touring tomorrow'

'Okay, please call me before you leave on tour, be safe please.'

'I will beautiful, call you later bye.'

'Bye.' I hung up and walked towards the meat section, I grabbed burgers and steak and other stuff, I grabbed a lot of other crap and walked to the register

"Your birthday is next month!"' Ry reminded me as I put the groceries I bought away

"Oh yea, I haven't even told Chris, Jessica knows though. I don't want anything so I hope she doesn't say anyth-"

A knock on the door cut me off
Rylan raised her eyebrow "are you expecting someone?" I shook my head and answered the door

"Is this the household of Abigail silver?" The guys dressed as the UPS people said

"Uh yea." I stuttered

"Well here's your boxes you ordered."
Now I remembered I ordered boxes since my things are being shipped

"Oh yea right in can to set them here?" I asked as I pointed at the living room

He nodded and started packing the living room with boxes

Ry sighed and shook her head "what's wrong?" I asked

"I just hope you don't regret this." She said as she took a Dorito

"I know I didn't make a wrong decision, I will still visit remember.?"

She shrugged and helped me put my groceries away

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