Love will kill us all

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Chris motionless POV

Balz and I got up to get out drinks "Ya know with you starring at her like that she's going to get freaked out." he said while turning to look at her, I sighed and rolled my eyes, "She's really pretty though" I spoke, balz ignored me and sat on the table we were sitting at before "When I met Ryan-Ashley I wasn't starring at her like a crazy man "he chuckled while taking a sip of his drink I was just stirring the straw and looked back at her, she was on her phone and peeked up to me, when she saw I was already looking at her she immediately looked down causing me to chuckle

I looked back at Balz "so are you ever going to tell us what happened with you and Sabrina?" Balz asked as he took another sip of his drink I scoffed and rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Abigail!" the annoying lady yelled, balz started humming the Abigail song, I looked over at the girl once again and she wasn't there, I scanned the room and stop looking as I saw her getting her drink "dude she's Abigail" I whispered yelled "dude I don't care" balz whispered yelled to me I rolled my eyes and watched as she went to go sit down again

"to be honest if I was Abigail I would already have called the cops saying that this tall scary man won't stop looking at me." I looked away from Abigail and to balz he was laughing "haha funny" I sarcastically said I Looked up at Abigail and saw she was already getting up to leave

Abigail's POV

I got up and grabbed my drink, I couldn't be here, chris was starring and I was blushing way to hard for him to even look at me. I walked to the entrance and gently opened the door. My spine shivered as I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and saw chris hand "uh."he looked at his hand and quickly removed it "I uh was" he was trying to say something but nothing came out which mad me chuckle "I'm chris" he finally said "Abigail" I responded "I haven't seen you around here" he said while biting down on his bottom lip "I'm not around here, I'm from Scotland" I answered

"figures, you have a cute ass accent" he said while smirking at me "uh huh" I answered with a giggle at the end "Um can I gave you my number?" he asked, I nodded and took out my phone he inserted it and gave it back to me "and here's mine" I said while taking his phone and putting it in "so did you just move here?" he asked "oh no I'm planning on leaving Scotland to come to America and I decided Scranton so i'm just looking around to see this town." I explained

"you should, Scranton is a nice little place" he smiled "maybe.."i mumbled "are you staying at a hotel?"he asked I slowly nodded "well what if I ask you if we can watch movies in your hotel room tonight?" he asked with a smirk while leaning on the doorframe "y-yea that sounds like fun! just text me when you want to come over and i'll give you the address of the hotel and we could watch any movies I have a lot of movies actually and we can lay on the bed and cuddle up-"I stopped myself and figures I just said that out loud "I-I didn't mean to say that last part i'm sorry" I said

chris laughed "sounds like fun Abigail i'll text you." he winked and went to go sit back down I sighed and smiled and left to the hotel room


Chris's POV

I smiled and walked back to balz
"We should go get ready, well I mean I should go get ready, I'm going to go over at her hotel and watch movies" balz nodded and got up, we walked outside and got in my car

I picked up my phone and texted Abigail

"Hey don't dress all nice just dress in your pajamas"

A minute later I got a text from her

"Already took a shower and I'm in my pajamas hurry now c:"

I smiled and put on my sweats with a old shirt that says "metal" I got out of my house and started the engine, I took out my phone and read the address that Abigail sent me 30 min ago
I killed the engine as I go out of my car and went inside the hotel, I went on the elevator and made my way to floor 9

I tried finding the room number and I ended up finding it, before I knocked I scanned myself for the 6th time, I shrugged and gently knocked a other person opened their door making me laugh, right when the lady closed her door Abigail opened it

She was wearing yoga pants and a Metallica crop top, I swallowed hard and spoke "hey." She smiled and Moved away so I can come in."I'm sorry it's a mess, but hey I'm a girl I make huge messes just to look nice."she mumbled the last part

I looked away from the bathroom and to Abigail "you're really pretty by the way" I smiled. she blushed "thank you, and you are very handsome yourself "she said I smiled and walked to were here DVDs were, I went through them, she had amazing Movies, I Saw the last movie 'lost boys' I smiled and picked it up and waved it in the air, she giggled and nodded

I put it in the DVD player and pressed play. Abigail got in the bed and put her knees up to her chest, I walked to the bed and stretched my legs out. The movie started playing and she was so interested in it, she looked at me and gave me a half smile as I did the same

She turned back to the TV, "Abigail."I said, she slowly turned her head to me "yea?" I really wanted to ask her out on a real date but I couldn't, " you maybe um want To go out? Like on a real date?" I swallowed hard and waited for her response. A smile appeared on her face "of course"she answered

I nodded and scooted closer to her, I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my shoulder, I smiled and cuddled her up just as she said at Starbucks...I feel like I can have a future with her ....

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