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Abigail's POV

*1 week later*

"It's fucking hot." I complained as I held my hair up, "well we finished." Ry said as she looked around the almost empty apartment, the only things left is my bed and clothes and food, everything else is being shipped today

I nodded and walked to the refrigerator. I took out a water bottle and tossed one to Ry as I got one for myself. Next week Chris is coming to at here in Scotland which is very exciting

"Hand me my phone please?" I asked as Ry passed me my phone, I dialed Angelo's number

'Hey abb's what's up?'

'Hey Ange my stuff are being shipped tomorrow, do you mind passing by my new apartment and putting the boxes in the apartment for me please?'

'Oh yea sure I will, just give me a call to remind me, I have to go tat someone now, talk to you later bye'

Without letting me respond he hung up
"What are you wearing for the concert?" Rylan asked as she flipped pages on a magazine "oh I don't know... Do you want to go to the mall?" I asked while bitting my bottom lip

"Yea sure." She nodded


We walked in HOTTOPIC "we are going to have to be at the meet & greet to so." I informed as I looked at a motionless in white shirt

Ry got a miw shirt with high wasted shorts

"I think I'm going to get this." She said as she held up the clothes, I nodded and complimented it

I grabbed a crop top that says 'she's a witch she's a witch...miw' with high wasted black jeans and my creepers. "What if you get cold?" Ry asked raising her eyebrow "I'll take Chris's hoodie" I answered as we walked to the register to buy our things


"Size 5?" Ry asked the lady

"We have a 5 I'll bring 5 and 4."The vans store lady said as she walked to the back of the store"are you sure you don't want any shoes?" Rylan asked for the 6th time

"No Rylan I don't want any I'm wearing my creepers!" I said for the 5th time
She raised her hands in surrender as the lady came back and gave her the shoe box

She put on size 5 "too big." She muttered "God you have a baby foot!" I laughed "shut it silver." She warned as she pushed me off the bench. She got size 4 and put them on "perfect." She smiled, I started laughing "I remember when I was size 4... I was 9." I laughed as she slapped me "ouch." I whimpered

"Don't be a wuss." She said as her eyebrows curved "says the one that wears a size 4." I laughed
"ARGSHT!" She yelled causing me to chuckle "what even Rylan?" I laughed at her

She bought her shoes and we walked to the cafeteria, "Chris has started touring, he already played at California...I think." I muttered the end

She nodded "what if you and Chris weren't together, but you knew the band, who would be your favorite?" Ry asked as she smirked and took a bite of her Chinese food

"Hmmm, I think it would still be ch-"
"And it can't be Chris" she cut me off, ahh sneaky lil bitch "then..perhaps balz, or Devin, Devin gets me very nervous but he does know how to make a girl smile and balz, he just makes you laugh way too hard." I admitted as I took a bite of my burger

"My favorite is Ricky and always will be Ricky hands down." She also admitted

"I'm really good friends with his ex." I said "well jobby, cause who knows Ricky and I could be a thing." She winked

I laughed and shrugged "perhaps, if he like girls who wear a size 4."

Ry gave me a death glare and spat "well at least I..I um... At least I don't um..." She couldn't think of anything "that's what I thought." I said

"got it!" She snapped

"Okay okay at least I don't sound weird when I curse in English!" She gave me her evil smirk

"Do not!" I complained

"Do to!" She responded back

"Watch say jobby (shit) in English." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest

Ry is right my accent is very heavy when I curse in English "no." I muttered as I rolled my eyes

"Mhm." She muttered "it's fine your still my friend though." She said in a awe as she pinched my cheek

'I'm actually watching movies you?' I said over the phone

'I'm on the bus right now, we just finished playing at San Diego, their a wild crowd it's scary.' Chris said over the phone causing me to chuckle

'Yea, I can't wait for next week!' I squealed

'Same beautiful, just a couple more days and your little perfect body will be in my arms again.'

"Yes Abigail your little perfect body will be in my arms again." Ry said as she mocked how Chris said it

My lips went into a line as I threw a pillow at her, as much as I love her she can be a pain in the ass sometime

I cleared my throat
'I know I really want to be with you to.'

'Those clothes you bought me are really comfy.' I knew for a fact he had a smirk

'I know.' I chuckled

'That's all I wear to sleep it reminds me of you...' His said as his voice got low

'I can't wait for next week Chris' I muttered

'Me neither..' I muttered

'I'm going to sleep, I have a show tomorrow.'

'Night.' I smiled as I hung up

"Your guys are cute." Ry said as she was putting on her coat

"Why thank you." I replied

"I have to go feed whiskers, see you tomorrow." She said as she left my apartment

I locked the door behind her and laid on the couch

Can next week come any slower? Ugh.

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