Sign of life

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Chris got us wings from wing stop

Surprisingly I've been craving wings so much throughout my pregnancy. The baby loves wings just like their daddy !

We dined in wing stop but throughout the whole time us eating Chris's phone started buzzing non stop.

"Someone important messaging u?" I asked , obviously frustrated.

He's shook his head and took a sip of his drink after, "'no" is all he said.

I tried brushing it off but it was so hard to ignore it when his damn phone kept ringing every 5 minutes.

He finally grabbed his phone and shut it off.

It was silent and awkward. It felt as if we were strangers. "So.." I began to talk to break the silence

"Do you want a boy or girl?" I asked.

"Girl definitely" Chris responded with a smile

I laughed , "why?"

"I want to have a girl so she can be a lead singer in a band like mine. There's not that much famous women lead singers"Chris said.

"Ahhh, you want her to be a musician"

He nodded "of course any child of mine will be a musician they'll be 10 times better than me"

"I'm excited to have our family I'm glad your the man I picked in my life... I know you'll never hurt me"
Once I said that Chris's frown disappeared. Something looked off right after.


"Yea?" He responded. No emotion

"You good?"

"Yes I am sorry.. let's get going."

I shrugged and grabbed my trash and put it in the trash bins as Chris followed and did the same

We hopped in the car and drove back to the house.

The drive back Chris kept tapping his leg

He was making me anxious

He looked so worried

This wasn't the man I fell in love with.
"Chris what's wrong."

He looked at me away from the road and looked right back at me
"Abigail I just .. I don't fucking know " he raised his voice

I raised my eyebrow in confusion "why the hell are you screaming what the hell is up with you Chris!" I yelled back

"Fuck Abigail FUCK! I'm so guilty I can't hold this in Abigail look I'm sorry while I was here I-..." he stopped speaking as we pulled back in the driveway of the home . His eyes widened as he saw the car that was parked there

"Fuck..." he mumbled
He turned to look at me

I was so confused what was going on. The car that was parked there the door opened. Orange ombré hair tall women walked out . She looks so familiar

Chris parked and opened his door "stay in here" he told me as he walked towards her.

They were just arguing I didn't know about what
I finally got the courage and energy to get out of the car and walked towards them.

The girl looked at me she looked pissed off. Then she looked down at my stomach and her eyes widened as she recognized I was pregnant.

Once I looked up at her I realized who she was... Sabrina .

"What's going on?" I questioned

"Babe please go in the house." Chris begged me

"Nooo noo please stay join mine and your baby daddy conversation please stay Abigail ."Sabrina mocked him

"Sabrina I'm sorry can we help you" I asked

"ABIGAIL GO INSIDE" Chris yelled

Sabrina started yelling as loud as Chris "Chris it's over! Stop hiding it! Look Abigail you think your life's so perfect pregnant by a lead singer of a popular band you think you're living the dream? Well I'm sorry to break it to you sweetie but ever since Chris came over here he's been fucking me since the day he landed in cali and you can...."

I zoned out she kept talking but her words sounded so distant not clear. The tears were forming in my eyes. Sabrina continued talking I zoned her out. I looked up at Chris and he looked at me . He sees the hurt he caused. I can tell. The way he's looking at me. We both were ignoring Sabrina as she was still going on about I don't know what . I couldn't turn away from Chris's eyes . I felt like he shot me in the heart. Like he stabbed me in my chest. The tears felt like they were rolling down in slow motion from my eyes.
Was this the worst thing he could've done to me? Sleep with another women?

I looked at her finally & Sabrina's voice finally zoned back in "OH AND BTW ABIGAIL IM ALSO CARRYING HIS BABY JUSY FOUND OUT THIS MORNING!"

That was the worst thing he could've done to be.

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