The show goes on

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*1 week later*

Abigail's POV

"A little to the right." I said while glaring at the frame

"Okay woah buddy too far, I'm kidding, but go like 1 inch to the left..PERFECT DONT MOVIE IT!" I yelled

Chris laughed and placed it, "okay so now we have to go practice, I think Rylan is there.not sure" Chris said while shrugging

I nodded and followed him outside of my apartment, he went to turn on his engine, I turned seeing christofer packing, he's moving back to his hometown since his mom got sick

I jumped in the passengers seat and turned up the music, full blast "wait what are you guys uno to record again?" I asked

"Angel eyes, it's a music video, the band of New Year's Day." He informed

I  slightly nodded and sang along to Marlin Manson, 'this is the new shit'
We made it to a house that looked lonely, but around 15-29 cars were parked outside, and one of the cars were Ricky's.

Chris made his way inside leading me inside to by pulling my hand behind

I noticed many mask, as if I was in a masquerade ball, I heard a female laugh, seeing a women with half red and half black hair, Chris has described her to me before, "hey ash, this is Abigail." Chris spoke cutting me off from my thoughts, I smiled and ash finally spoke,"nice to meet you, every time Chris and I soundcheck, which has been this whole week he never shuts up about you."


I nodded and a man with his face painted and a guitar over his shoulder pulled ash away, I turned on my heels and faced Chris

"Soundcheck? You're going back on tour?" I asked

"I wasn't, well I was going to tell you, but not now." He shrugged

"You're going on tour with New Year's Day! Christopher, she's a female singer, and whenever she wants she can get you in her pan-"

"Abby! Let's not talk about it? okay, let's just focus on the music video."he huffed and shook his head while walking to sit down on a chair as a women started his makeup

I sat besides him and waited for him to finish,
I glared at the window and saw ryaln's long hair

I smiled and got up from the chair "what are you doing?" Chris snapped

"I'm going outside." I explained

"Well I'm not finished and you barely know anyone here so I suggest you to sit down and let me finish." He rolled his eyes and I sat down why is he so bossy all of a sudden?
It was about an hour and Chris just finished his makeup and clothes, he smiled as he looked in the mirror, "you look handsome." I spoke

He turned and smiled, "thank you princess." He held my waist and kissed my lips passionately

"I'm going to go we're going to start filming"


My whole body got hot, I could just fill anger,

It's fake

Well not the way he's holding her and the way she's touching him

I just tapped my foot and crossed my arms on my chest while watching, I didn't even want to watch, but I want to make sure he wasn't going to touch her there

"And scene." One guy said

"That's a wrap!" Another yelled

Chris got up and looked at me, he mouthed 'are you okay?' 

My face must be red, not to mention when I'm pissed off I look pissed off

I shrugged and walked out of the room, I walked outside and saw Ricky's car wasn't there anymore, I sighed and took out a cigar box from my back pocket

I lit one up and let it run down my throat

If Chris knew they were going to be touching like that he shouldn't have invited me.

I felt arms around my waist, "it was just a scene babe, I have no feelings for her." He whispered causing my spine to shiver

I pushed off him and turned to him "I know I guess I'm just a jealousy type." I said

He smirked "jealousy? Hot." While adding a wink

I laughed and dropped the cigar while stepping on it "so what if we go out tonight? Watch movies at your new place, snuggle. Do more stuf-"

"Christopher! I am not going to. I'm not ready." I spat

Chris sighed "I'm sorry."

I shook my head "about that date.."

(A:n okay so this is short but the next chapter will be 2 days later which will be held for Abigail's birthday, I started thinking and I got so much killer plans for this story!just wanted to show ya'll Abigail's jealousy! And the way Chris acted is a little hint (;)

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