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*2 days later* *abigails birthday*

20. I'm finally 20

I'm sitting down and watching shows, since Angelo gave me the day off I have nothing to do but sit and watch tv, since no one knows it's my birthday.

Christofer left to so I have no one to hang out with

Only Jessica knows it my birthday, but she parted from us ever since she found out about Ricky and rylan, everyone tried contacting her but nothing, she doesn't answer or anything, we drove to her house and the apartment was empty, she got really hurt, I don't blame her I know how she feels

She also blocked all of us from her social media

I kept changing the channels from the TV, I got up and walked to the kitchen to grab some ice cream, nothing

Well looks like I need to go to the store to buy some food

I killed the engine and locked my doors, I grabbed a cart and walked in Walmart, I went by the frozen food area

"Strawberry..or vanilla." I whispered to myself

"I suggest vanilla." A deep soft voice spoke, I looked to my right and saw a tall man with long brown hair, , muscle tank top, skinny jeans, and toms

"I'm Kellin." He smiled while taking out his hand so I can shake it

I smiled and shook it "Abigail."

(A/n okay so we all know Kellin from sleeping with sirens! Now Kellin in this story, isn't married, doesn't have two step kids, or doesn't have any kids at all.)

"Pretty." He smirked while winking
I smiled and nodded "so which one are you choosing?" He asked

"Um vanilla." I answered while throwing the vanilla can in my cart

"Are you from around here?" I asked

He shook his head "I live in California, just touring." He shrugged while placing one hand on my cart
"Tour?" I questioned

"Yes ma'am." He replied

"What band?" I asked

"Sleeping with sirens." He answered

"Nice." I said
He glanced at me and spoke,"I should give you my number."

"If you'd like!" I suggested while taking my phone out unlocking it and clicking my contacts before handing it to Kellin

He interested it and called himself after one ring and hung up

"Good, now you should call me, whenever you want." He smiled
I laughed "well I do have a bo-"

"Kellin lets go!" A man with a man bun skinny jeans, vans white tank top and blue jean vest said

Kellin laughed and looked at me "don't worry about it I'll call you." He winked and left

I shook my head and went to the cashier

I grabbed my bag from my trunk and walked upstairs of the building

I grabbed my keys and unlocked my door. My lights are never off

I switched my lights on and turned around "SURPRISE!"

I dropped my ice cream and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID YOU GUYS GET IN MY APARTMENT!" I yelled

I Heard the laugh of balz and someone spoke "I did. Sorry darlin' but I wasn't going to miss your birthday, you are one of my closets friends now." I turned to the voice and saw a blond shaggy hair shorts, stripped sweater and no shoes with hippie glasses on

"CHRIS!l I yelled attacking my best friend
He hesitated but hugged back, gently

I turned around and saw Chris smiling, he walked back to me and christofer walked away

" happy birthday princess." He spoke while holding my shoulders and leaning his head so his lips pressed against mine

"Get some Abby!" I heard rylans voice say

I blushed and snuggled my head into Chris's chest embarrassed

"I'm tired!" I complained as my head was laying on Chris's lap

Everyone left about 30 min ago, christofer is basically outside smoking

"Your phone is ringing." I got up and walked to the kitchen


Happy birthday my darling l! I have a huge surprise for you!

"Mom! No gifts remember!" I laughed

Well the gift came to me!

She sounded so excited I was afraid

"What is it?" I asked

Oliver is back!

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