You cant kill all of us

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Chris's POV

"Thank you were motionless in white!" I yelled in the mic while running backstage

"Thanks." I said as korel handed me a towel to wipe my sweat

"Chris."I heard the small voice say
I turned as saw Abigail smiling "I'm sweating so I don't think you want to hug me." I informed adding a chuckle at the end "that was amazing. Rylan also thought it was amazing." She said as she leaned on the wall

"Where is she?" I asked not seeing her around "where's Ricky?" She asked "he was just here where the hell did he g- ohhhhh." Abigail laughed and nodded

"Two more days and I leave so I want to take you out, but were going to have to use your car this time." I said

"Good, cause we need to talk." Abigail said as her eyes shot to mine

"Talk? Talk?.are you going to break up with me?!" I whispered yelled

"No you dork about something else." She corrected "oh okay, let me get ready and we will go grab some food and eat at a nearby park?" I suggested she smiled and nodded

I grabbed her hand and we walked to the back of the venue in our tour bus, fans were around our bus and Ricky was signing stuff as Rylan was behind him and so was balz, "this may take a while" I whispered to Abby

"It's fine." She whispered back
I smiled and leaned down to her height and kissed her, god how did I get so lucky?

"CHRIS!!!" Fan girls screamed causing Abigail and me to part from each other

"I'll wait in the bus." She said as she walked to the bus and took Rylan with her


I finally walked in the bus and motioned Abby to follow me to my bunk "I'm going to wear this." I said as I pulled skinny a and the cure shirt that she bought me , she smiled and the shirt and gave me thumbs up

"Okay I'm going to change"


"I used to come here all the time when I was younger, I use to tell Leah that I was going to bring he here.."she mumbled

"Leah?" I questioned as I raised my drawn eyebrow

"My miscarriage baby Chris."I nodddd and frowned "but you have me babe I lo-" I stopped myself, dammit this is the second time

"you what?" She asked

"Nothing I'm starving lets go." I said as I grabbed our subway bags and she grabbed a blanket so we can sit on the floor and eat

"It's so dark out here." She said as she closed the door

"I like it." I added causing us to laugh

We both walked to a empty space and sat down "so what was so important?" I asked, I felt her small cold hand hover on top of mine, "I'm not moving to Scranton...I can't this is were my family is, this is where Leah is buried, this was the last place I saw Oliver my brother...I can't just leave it all, I'm so sorry Hun, I really want to be with you, but I'm scared if you don't want to anymore since I can't just leave." I swallowed hard and moved my hand away from hers, I stood up and walked on the other side where she was, I sat down and pushed her to the ground gently

I got on top of her and smashed my lips on her "I don't fucking care how far you are, I always want you to be mine, I don't care how far you are I need you to be mine." I mumbled

She smiled and flipped us over so she was now on top of me "your perfect." She said as she placed her hand on my face "but I always take control." I winked as I flipped us over and started kissing her neck causing her to chuckle

*next day*

"Are you sure?" I asked once again

"Just do it Abby." He said for the 5th time

"Okay but you better like it." I laughed as I made Ryan take off his shirt

"1.2.3 I'm starting." I started filling in the tattoo Ryan-Ashley didnt fill in

"So do you like playing guitar.?" I asked so not let him think of the pain

"Yea a lot...hey does that Rylan girl and Ricky have something going on?" He asked

I shrugged "Chris and I found them making out, why?" I asked

"Cause while I was walking in the bus they were literally sucking their faces off behind the bus I just started laugh-OW!" He yelled

"SORRY!" I yelled back

"Laughing." He concluded

"See were done it was quick." I smiled
I got up and put my tools in my box and took off my gloves, I walked to the mirror Ryan wasn't using to see his tattoo and checked my clothes

"You look fine." Ryan chuckled
"How did you know I was thinking if I looked fine or not?" I asked as I turned around "cause I know that you were thinking that." He whispered

Why is he whispering? I'm clearly right in front of him. "Uh huh." I laughed as I turned around and looked at myself once again

I felt arms around my waist..god no I turned around and was face to face with Ryan "Ryan what are you doing." I asked, I was defiantly nervous, I was shaking and heated inside

"I-I just don't know but your really perfect right now." He was leaning close to me, the door creeped open making a noise causing Ryan and I to part

"I should go. My next patient is here." I said while pouting at the door "I will see you later today bye." I said "wait Abby." I pushed him out closing the door

What the fuck was he thinking?


I knocked in the back of the venue knowing korel will let me in "hey Abigail." Korel said as he opened the door

"Hey josh where's Chris?" I asked walking in "all them are in the dressing room " he said while pointing at the door I nodded and walked towards that door

I opened the door "talking about the devil." Ricky said

I rolled my eyes as I saw Ricky's arm around Rylan "hey babe." Chris said as I pecked his lips, Ryan scoffed causing me to roll my eyes

It was 3 hours we were just talking and Ryan didn't say anything but stare at me which was making me uncomfortable

I was sitting on Chris's lap and just listening to balz conversation with Chris and Ricky, while Ginny was saying stupid shit to Devin and Rylan, I wasn't paying attention to balz because of Ryan.

This wasn't suppose to happen, Ryan should be in the conversations with Devin and vinny or smoking... SMOKING. That's it

"Ryan want to go out for a smoke?" I asked causing the attention to be on me

He shrugged and got up, we went to the back of the venue outside and lit up cigarettes "what's up? Why did you try kissing me?you know I'm dating Chris."bi asked while inhaling smoke

He sighed "because Allie and I aren't in the best conditions right now okay.? We're thinking of breaking up and so much shit has happened.I needed something to get it off my mind and I'm not going to lie Abigail your fucking beautiful." He paused and I started blushing "anyways, your were a distraction and I wanted you to be the girl that keeps my mind of Allie."

I smiled and shook my head "Ryan I-I am so sorry about Allie but you can just go kissing one of your best friends girls cause your not feeling good. I'm sorry." I said while inhaling smoke

"It's fine I'm the jerk here I know better." He said shrugging

The guy is trying to get something off his mind.should I? No Allie is one of my close friends...and Chris. God it's like Chris and I were meant to be. I cant just go kissing his band mates
Well not unless im trying to help...

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