There's so much more inside of us

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Abigail's POV

"your flight has now landed please remain seated as we make it to the area and thank you for riding with us."

I smiled knowing that we landed, I literally cannot stand these crying kids and the disappointed mothers and the whining of the elders, don't get me wrong, I am very respectful to my elders, but why complain if you chose to fly? or the kids, Like can you guys pleas not cry and wait till we land.?

At least I have my "survive kit for planes when children are around." which are headphones. I always listen to the most calm, resting, relaxing music, Well some people won't say it's 'relaxing' people will say "that's the most annoying piece of crap ever"

it's mostly bands like the cure, rob zombie, slipknot etc. I don't listen to bands from today, but hell yea do I listen to PVRIS!Well since I'm talking about what I like let me tell you a bit of myself, My name is Abigail, I have the most annoying Scottish accent my family calls me Abby, I would Say my friends do to, but sadly I have no friends, I'm 19 turn 20 in a month from today, Oh yea I'm 5'1, I'm naturally a brunette, but I dyed my hair blond cause it suits me more, I have tattoos on my left arm and a nose piercing on my left nostril, I was born in Scotland United Kingdom, since I'm 19 I want to leave from there, I really want to come to America, I tried California, Florida etc. but nothing Impressed me. Scranton is my last decision and if I do like it I will move here next year.

"We have now landed please remove your seatbelts carefully and your bags, and gently make your way to the front so you can exit, thank you for flying with us and have a nice day." wow that lady really does sound like she hates her job

I got on my toes and took out my bags landing on my feet, I grabbed my phone and made my way to the exit, I walked out of the airplane and into the airport, I walked to the front entrance of the airport and finally stopped a cab

I jumped in the back of the cab and buckled up "Where to kiddo?" the man asked "um, here's the address to the hotel." I said while handing him a paper with the hotel that I booked with the man nodded and started the engine "Hoo much?" I asked, my eyes widened as I said 'Hoo' and not how Americans say it which is 'how' the man laughed "You're not around here aren't you?" he asked

I shook my head, "no sairrr I'm from Scotland I am very sorry that I don't have the proper English, I really never did." I gulped "Don't worry about it kiddo I've had worse people here." I felt way better as he said he had worse

He killed the engine and said "where here" I nodded and squinted at the charge "here's your bunsens" I smiled while giving him the money "what's bunsens?"he asked "it means money in Scottish good day sairrr" I walked out and closed the door while getting my bags

I walked to the front office and told them my reservation, the gave me a key and room number and I headed to the elevator and pressed the number "9" It took around 2 min to get to my floor but I made it! I tried looking for room 223B and there's so many rooms here, I ended up finding it and went inside, decent room, 1 bed bathroom and TV

I threw my bags in the closet and went to clean off since it was about a day or two flight, I decided to change into my 'pajamas' so I took out my luggage and grabbed my long slipknot shirt, I set it on the bathroom counter and removed all my clothes while turning on the shower





*next day*

I grabbed my tights and my 'bollocks London' black shirt with my green and brown flannel, with a Neff beanie and my creepers. While I finished getting dressed My phone started ringing, I ran to the bed while flopping besides it and answering it "Guid Day thes is Abigail fa is 'spikin?" I spoke (A/N/: "hi this is Abigail who is speaking" but of course its in Scottish since she's used to speaking in her language)

"Um hello is this Miss. Silver" My eyes widened I thought it was someone from home since it said 'blocked number' I cleared my throat "Sorry I thought it was someone from Scotland, but yes this is her." their was a long pause until the lady began "Ma'am we are sorry to inform you about this, but we have here that you are riding in the Virgin flight in 3 days, well we cannot get our system running, either you can wait about 6-10 days or buy another ticket for another plane.."

really?! Buy another ticket? Tickets are very expensive of course i'll choose to wait 6-10 days lord Jesus "erm, I'll wait, I don't have the money to buy another ticket but yea i'll wait." I said "We are very sorry for this Miss. Silver have a good day." I hung up and threw my phone on the bed, I sighed and looked At the time '11:58' I should head somewhere to get coffee, probably starbucks



I walked in the coffee shop and waited in line, this line was so long it's not even funny, but the guy in front of me is probably the tallest man I've ever seen, well not the tallest, but he is very tall compared to me, he had tattoos on both of his arms and he had long black hair, but not too long he was wearing a muscle tank with black skinny jeans he seemed very attractive from the back, which is probably weird cause you guys might think that I think his bum is attractive, well...I rather not say anything lets just continue

he stepped back stepping on my shoes he turned around and looked at me "I'm so sorry" he trailed off and looked right in my eyes, you could literally get lost in his hazel eyes I could see so much into his eyes it was like I was reading his life, well not literally but ya know "Chris c'mon our turn." the guy besides him said while tugging at his arm, he smiled at me and turned around

I was not kidding at all, he was very attractive, he had three lip piercings on his bottom lip, drawn eyebrows, and makeup. This is probably the only guy I have ever found attractive ever since my abusive ex boyfriend that I don't really talk about anymore. Chris and his friend went to go sit down, while I took a step to order, when I finished I went to find a seat, I looked up from my phone to see chris just looking at me and nodding at his friend that I Bet he was paying no attention to

I swallowed hard and looked back down at my phone "Balz and chris"the lady called out their names I Looked back up at chris and he just smirked at me and shook his head and walked over to pick up his drink


So this is the first chapter, yes I have deleted break the cycle because I had no idea were I was going to with that story and I thought it through and I know exactly what I want to happen and what's going to happen with this story, and yes some words that aren't "English" are actually Scottish words. Well I hope you guys like this chapter and I hope you'll like the others!also the picture of the girl is the picture of Abby!



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