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I drove back home, they all just got to the airport and left.

My drive was really silent and relaxing, but It feels different. Probably cause Chris isn't here?

I yawned and turned left on a highway making my way to my job. I have no clients at all, but ange said if I go and sit there for no reason he'll pay me extra.

I ended up parking down the street just for the walk.

"How was it meeting your brother?" Ange said as I entered the tattoo shop. I shrugged "it's pretty good, he's in a band." I mentioned

"Which band?" "Bmth" I answered
"No way." He said in the non exaggerated voice. I rolled my eyes and didn't pay attention to what he said.

"Did we have any customers today at all?" I asked

"Yea, but Sean is finishing them up in the back along with Carlie."he answered

I nodded and sat down, "so what are your plans for the week?" He asked. my attention went to Angelo, I shrugged and looked at him "honestly, I have no idea. Probably help Chris pack, since he's going to leave pretty soon."

"Is this your first time experiencing him gone?" Angelo asked. I coughed and nodded "yea, other than living in two different countries." I chuckled about the memory's.

"True." He answered and took out a magazine.

I grabbed my phone looking for entertainment since I'm really bored. I was scrolling through my Instagram and stopped at a post
"The Punks vs goths Tour"
Headlining: motionless in white & bring me the horizon
Featuring: PVRIS, Knuckle puck, Real Friends, the devil wears Prada.!

I honestly didn't think this tour was going to happen, I know Chris and Oli got along, but I'm surprised they actually made the tour happen, it starts in two months. So when Chris leaves in a month he'll be back for a week only then leave. Great.

Probably before his first tour I'll get use to not having him there for me when he's gone.

"You look stressed you need to chill a bit" Angelo said

I sighed and bit my lip, "is Chris the cheating type?" I asked

Angelo looked at me and looked back at the magazine "if he's horny"

I rolled my eyes


I unlocked my apartment and set my purse on the kitchen chair. My phone started ringing

I reached in for it expecting it to be Chris, but it was kellin

I answered it


"Hey why haven't you answered any of my calls?" A sad time was in his voice

"I was with my boyfriend and family sorry ."

"Oh., so we have a show tomorrow at Scranton, that's were our tour with all time low starts and we fly in today and don't get our tour bus until tomorrow, do you mind if I stay a night with you?"

My eyes widened, what will Chris say about this? "Uh yea sure" I said without hesitation.

"Great, we will fly in, during midnight." He said

"Oh okay I need to fix the extra bedroom I have for you, I'll call you later" I hung up and threw my phone on the sofa, it's not like we're going to hook up so Chris doesn't have to worry about it.


I just got a text from kellin saying he just got in his flight. Chris doesn't even know that kellin is coming over and he's over at my apartment right now.

"Your lips are soft" Chris mumbled throughout the kiss

I smiled and leaned away. I cupped his cheeks and went for it again making the kiss passionate and deep.
Chris pushed me away a bit "are you okay?" He asked

"Yea.. I'm fine I just.." I grabbed the button of his jeans and started unbuckling his pants

"Babe wait.. You said you aren't ready, yet."

"I changed my mind Chris, do you want to do this now or never ."

He shook his head "what's wrong?"

I sighed "kellin's coming over cause he needs a place to stay for a bit, until he gets his tour bus gets here tomorrow"

"So you wanna fuck for that?" Chris asked raising his eyebrow

I sat on his lap facing him while both my legs where on each side, I wrapped my arms around his neck "no, it's just I didn't want you to think I was messing with kellin, so I thought if we did fuck you would let me have him over."

"Abby, I trust you way too much for you to have him over, why wouldn't I trust you? You moved all the way to Scotland here to Scranton."

I nodded a bit and bit my lip, he placed his hands on my lower back. And moved me closer to him, "you're so cute you know that?" He asked

I laughed "no, but I believe you."


"So you can sleep here and the bathroom is around the corner from my bedroom." I smiled leaning on the doorframe
"Okay great thanks again I owe you big time"

"Nah my treat, I'll be back Chris is leaving" I said walking downstairs and to the living room area space

"Okay I'm driving to LA, I'll be back in two days, I'm going to go pick up Ricky and Ryan, were driving to Devins house to our recording section"

"What about josh?" I asked

"Ryan-Ashley needs him. She's getting pretty big and kinda needs his help." He said

I nodded "I'll miss you."

"Two days."

I shrugged and we quickly gave each other a peck on the lips.

He walked out and I closed the door behind him.


okay so the story may be coming to a end , but don't worry pretty sure there's going to be a second book since the ending may surprise you all, this story is going to take a huge twist, sorry this chapter is boring. Next chapter is going to be way better.!

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