Oh abigail

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Abigail's POV

I yawned and fluttered my eyes open, I felt arms around me.I turned around and saw a shirtless Chris's arms around me. I quietly got up trying not to wake him up, I made my way out of the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom "FUCK!" I screamed as I tripped on one of my hoodies, I heard Chris groan and got up seeing me on the ground

He started laughing, "do you need help?" I sighed and shook my head "sorry for waking you."I said while getting up and dusting my clothes off
"You didn't I was already waking."his yawn cut him off "up."he concluded "uh huh" I responded while brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth

After I finished Chris started brushing his teeth, I picked out my black jeans with my "spells" crop top, Chris walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his shirt and jeans "I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom." I informed while walking in the bathroom

I removed my shirt and changed into my lace bra, I put on my shirt and changed my underwear into my lace black panties and slipped on my skinny jeans, I looked at myself in the mirror and tied up my hair in a messy bun and walked out

"I have my car outside. Wanna go get breakfast at Denny's?" Chris asked while scratching the back of his neck
I nodded and slipped on my converse high tops
I got in the passengers seat and buckled myself .as Chris started the engine a song started playing "OH ABIGAIL HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US YOU ARE A PRODUCT OF LUSST!" I raised my eyebrow "Chris is sounds like you."I said while facing him, he looked at me for 4 seconds and looked back at the rode while having a big grin

"I'm in a band Abigail, and I wrote this song around 2010 it's one of our popular songs."he explained I nodded "what's the bands name?"I asked
"Motionless in white."he replied while making a U turn, I nodded "what do you do for a living?" Chris asked while parking the car "my moms best friends daughter owns a tattoo shop and I'm a tattoo artist" I said while taking my seatbelt off and opening the car door

We entered Denny's and took our seats, "so Abigail tell me about yourself, tell me your childhood and your teen years."Chris said while putting his elbows on the table while resting his head on his hands

"Well I was raised and born in Scotland, my mother was too young to have me so she gave me to her older sister so I was raised by my aunt, when my mom turned 21 she took full custody of me, when I turned 16 I started working in the shop, I quite school cause there was no reason for me to go..and yea basically my life is boring." I said

The waitress came and took our orders for our drinks "how about relationships?" Chris asked


"Look Ryan I decide not to go to the party I'm fine" I said as I sat on the couch. Ryan groaned and threw a plate at the grown making me jump at the sound "RYAN WHAT THE FUCK!"I screamed "YOU NEVER EVER WANT TO DO ANYTHING WITH ME EVER!" He yelled "BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS CHEAT ON ME! YOU TREAT ME LIKE A FUCKING SLUT YOU GOT FROM THE STREET!" I screamed as I got up and walked to pick up the plate

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I bent down to pick up the plates. I noticed Ryan kicked me in the stomach. I was laying on the floor coughing up blood, "Ryan!"I cried as I held my stomach

"No! I FUCKIN HATE YOU!" He yelled and stomped on my stomach once again after he ran upstairs, I started bawling, my tears made puddles, I got up and my legs were shaking. I looked down in between my legs "no no no no" I cried, Ryan came running downstairs. "CAUSE YOU ARE A SLU-" he paused himself as he looked down at my legs "Abigail.."he mumbled. I started crying more "we lost it." I spoke

*end of flashback*

"Haven't been in one for like 3 years." I said while taking a sip of my drink. "You?" I asked, "um, my girlfriend and I broke up about 5 months ago" he explained, I nodded and we ordered our food

"Well do you want to go out tomorrow, like on a date, like on a real date, ya know a f-fancy place, I asked you this yesterday but you were tired I'm just making sure you know so I was wondering if you wanted to, if you don't it's coo-" I giggled and cut him off "Chris...calm down I will go out with you." He smiled and let out a sigh

"Your beautiful." He said while looking at me. I started blushing and shook my head "what are you craving Mr. Chris?"


Chris and I were walking around Scranton just so I could get to know this place a bit more
"So how are you liking it so far?" Chris asked while putting his hands down his pockets

I took a look around the stores "it looks pretty nice." I answered, he nodded "OH MY GOD YOUR CHRIS MOTIONLESS!" This one girl around the age of 16 said running up to him, Chris chuckled and nodded

"Can I have a picture please?!" She squealed "of course." Chris answered "may you take the photo please?" The girl asked me, I nodded and took her phone "1..2...3" *snap*

"Eeekkk!" She squealed, Chris and I both looked at each other and laughed, "thank you so much Chris! Ricky and you are my favorite!" Chris smiled and hugged her once again before she left

"Your last name is motionless?" I asked as we continued walking "it's cerulli but I like motionless more" he explained


Chris dropped me off about an hour ago, I looked through my suite cases to see if I brought anything nice to wear .

"JOBBY!" I screamed (a/n jobby is 'shit' in Scottish) I couldn't find anything I just packed jeans and shirts and flannels


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