Boy from the tattoo shop

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*1 week later*

I woke up besides a shirtless Chris
I glanced at the time, I yawned before jumping out

I started walking to my bathroom and washed my face and teeth, I stripped down to my underwear.

I changed them, and changed clothes.
I held my hair in a bun and took my nose piercing off , I took off my makeup and didn't bother doing anything today

I walked out still seeing that Chris is snoring taking the whole bed to himself

I walked downstairs of the apartment and went to the kitchen, I took out a cereal box and milk, I put the milk and cereal in a bowl

The milk was cold, and the cereal was coco puffs, I turned on the TV and started watching total divas

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I chuckled while taking another spoonful of milk and cereal

He groaned and grabbed my waist, he was going for a kiss but I stopped him "did you brush your teeth?" I asked while raising my eyebrow

He groaned and rubbed his eyes, he fully widened his eyes and glanced at me "you look so different without your piercing and makeup." He spoke in a deep morning voice "I get that a lot" I shrugged

"I don't like it." He said making me turn away from the tv and straight to him

"Excuse me?" I knew I was pretty angry and upset with that comment cause my accent started flowing in

He rolled his eyes "forget about it can you hand me my sweater?"

I rolled my eyes and as I did he mumbled something under his breath, i threw him his sweater and my phone started ringing

I walked over to it and answered it
"Your already flying in?" I asked

"Yea were already flying in, Oliver and his fiancé went to the restroom.she is so nice, has Chris mentioned marriage?" My mother asked

I sighed and glanced over at Chris and saw him leaning on the wall listening to my conversation with my mother

"Mom you know how I feel about that, I'm not a fan of marriage at all. I whispered the word marriage so Chris wouldn't hear me

My mother sighed and I spoke "so how does Oliver look like now? Is he all grown? Short hair? I picture him the complete difference of me, he probably is tall, short clean cut hair, his hair is probably blond, no piercings or tattoos, am I right?" I chuckled

"Not even-"

The line cut, she probably had to go or dropped her phone

I sighed and set my phone down "should I stay or go?" Chris spoke

I turned to face him, "pretty sure my mom wants to meet you." I shrugged

"So I'm staying?" He smiled

I nodded and sat on my bench, "are you O-"

"No Chris I'm not, my brother I haven't seen for years is coming, and I don't want him to think I love him and all cause I don't he left me alone, and I'm kinda still hurt at your comment this morning, and at the angel eyes video, you were kinda trying to take control of me when you told me I couldn't leave the building to see my best friend, we hardly see each other cause Ricky and her do everything together." I exhaled real quick after finishing my sentence

Chris walked towards me and placed his hands on my thighs, "listen, I'm sorry, there was way to many people there, and many guys at the building, I didn't want you walking and stopping to talk to a guy that finds your attractive..cause your are attractive." My spine shivered as I felt his hands trailing up more

"And...I didn't mean it, I just haven't seen you without your piercings, you look perfect as always though." He smiled

I forced a smile and grabbed his hands to push them off, "how do I know your not lying?" I questioned

"I could show you." He winked

"Not today Mr.motionless." I chuckled and jumped off the bench while pushing him aside leaving him frustrated


Chris is watching a hockey game on the couch and I'm sitting on the other couch waiting for my mom to call me that she's here

Kellin won't stop texting me which is pretty scary since Chris keeps looking my way every time Kellin texts me

I sat there and waited

'It's positive...'

I raised my eyebrow at the text message I just received from my friend, Ryan Ashley

I quickly messaged her back


Less than 7 seconds she replied

'Mini balz are going to be walking around!'
I gasped causing Chris to look at me

"Pregnant.." The only word escaped my mouth

"How?! We never even had s-"

"Ryan-Ashley is not me!" I yelled

"Called it." He smirked while taking out his phone and dialing someone

"Yo Ricky you owe me 40 bucks she's pregnant." Chris said in the most serious tone while walking to my bedroom

I shook my head and was just in shock still, I hope she keeps the baby, doesn't do anything stupid to hurt the unborn child

I smiled and sat my phone down and continued watching the TV


I Hung up

"They just landed" I smiled

"I'm meeting your brother, is he those Christian guys?" Chris asked

"We were never a religious family, but he's engaged so he probably is all about god now." I laughed while rolling my eyes

"I never got into god, I don't believe it nothing but ill respect anyone's opinion." I shrugged

Chris nodded, it's been a few hours it's already 3 in the morning and they just landed

Chris and I has been talking about life and watching TV

Chris put his arm around me and scooted me closer to him since we were sitting in the couch

I rested my head on his chest, as a knocked appeared
I shot directly up and looked at Chris

"Open the door" I whispered

"It's your family you!" Chris shot back

"Christopher!" I whispered yelled

He chuckled and ran upstairs

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door
I gently opened the door and saw my mom
I smiled and hugged her "this is Hannah Oliver's fiancé "

She was very short, nice haircut and tattoos everywhere, plus really skinny "hello." She spoke with a strong accent

"Where's Oliver?" I asked
Mom looked behind her shoulder and I saw him, it's dark but not too bright that I can see him, he walked up the porch

I turned on the lights and saw him, "Abigail?!?" He yelled


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