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Abigail's POV
*5 days later*

Angelo texted me saying he finished putting everything away in my apartment, 2 more days for the concert and I'm very excited to see Chris again

Rylan flew out to New York today since her mom got sick, she says sHe will be back for the concert, which I hope she is I do not want to be in a crowd with no one

"Whiskers.. Kitty kitty." I muttered, I'm also taking care of whiskers, Ry's cat, whiskers came to me and sat on my lap as I pressed play to the movie

It's been 26 min and whiskers already fell asleep on my lap, my laptop started ringing meaning someone was on skype call, I pushed whiskers off me causing her to purr I got my laptop and answered it

"Hey babe." I said as I held up my hair up

"Hey beautiful, I'm at the airport right now." A smile appeared on my face

"Yay! I can't wai-" whiskers jumped on my computer causing me to stop speaking

"A cat...a cat, you have a cat..?" Chris said as he paused each time

"no no no it's Rylans not mine I'm taking care of it." I explained as I moved

"Oh okay, I should land in 2 days or less, but especially 2 days, and we have sound check and right when we land we have a concert and the next day a concert to and then I have a flight back home so we can play at scanton ."

"Wait you have concert two days here?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Yea, I thought you knew?"

"Oh... I didn't know I thought only for Monday, but I'll try to come for Tuesday to, does korel have spare tickets I can buy?"

Chris made a "are you serious" face
" don't have to pay, just tell me when your at the venue and I'll send korel to open up the back doors from the venue for you." He chuckled at the end

"Sorry." I laughed as I grabbed whiskers

"CHRIS WERE GOING! OUR FLIGHT IS TAKING BAGS!" I heard balz voice in the distance

"I'll see you beautiful, I'll call you when we land which will be in two days..bye." I smiled as closed my laptop

"Oh whiskers we have news to tell your mommy."

I got up and walked to the bathroom, I held my hair up and put on my black shirt, I grabbed my black skinny jeans and my vans, I grabbed my keys and unlocked my door and closed it behind me

I walked down the stairs of the buildings and started my car

"Jobby.." I mumbled as I ran back to the apartment and grabbed water and cat food and set it on the living room floor

"Okay whiskers stay here, I'll be gone for a couple of hours." I walked out and closed the door and got in my car

I passed by tarrissa's house and picked up Alex, I'm taking her shopping since I have nothing to do and I got a paycheck yesterday

"Okay Alex were do you want to go?" I asked as I made a turn

"Can we go to target?" She muttered while looking at the ground

I fixed my mirror to see her in the backstage "target it is." I exclaimed


"Okay we're going to try this on." I said as I handed her a shirt with Minnie Mouse on it

"W-what is it." She smiled as she felt the material "it's a black shirt with Minnie Mouse on it." I explained

A smile appeared on her lips "okay!!"
I grabbed her arms and led her to the dressing room


We went to the mall target Starbucks and food court, I got her so much stuff since I treat her like my own niece.

I got out of the car and grabbed all of her bags, I helped Alex out and grabbed her cane, I led her to her house ad knocked gently

"Abby.." She whispered

"Yes princess?" I asked

"Thank you, your probably one of the closest friends ever... If you ever do have kids their going to be the luckiest kids ever."

"Leah.." I told my mom "that's a nice name." She said as she rubbed my growing belly, I nodded I literally can't wait for this baby, even though I'm still young I really want to hold this baby

"We have so much baby shopping to do!" My mom exclaimed

I nodded "we do mom I want so much for Leah! Ryan said he'll buy the crib, and the other bigger things.! But if we're honest, I really want her to come out." I laughed

"Oh honey I know how you feel... I felt the same about you, but I wanted you out because of how much I wanted to hold you." She whispered the last part

I laughed and hook my head, "she's literally going to be my life mom."


"Abby..Abby?" Alex said trying to cut me off my flashbacks

"S-sorry.. Um yea I bet my kids will be very lucky...but I'm not going to have ki-"

"Hey girls sorry I had to fix the guys did some shopping." Tarrissa said as she grabbed Alex hand and led her to the couch, she took the bags from me and put them on the other couch as I helped

"Thank you I bet Alex had a good time." She smiled as she hugged me
"I love spending time with her." I smiled at her direction

"She does to, I'll see you at the shop tomorrow."

Tarrissa walked me out of her house and to my car

"I'll see you tomorrow, I have to get back to whiskers, bye." I said as i started the engine and tarrissa walked back in her house


I got in the house and saw whisker finished his food she was now sleeping on the couch

I yawned and took off my clothes and put on my oversized "the lost boys" t- shirt

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