I smell like victory, I taste like blood

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Abigail's POV

I woke up very early today so I can try to find a dress, Chris said to dress fancy so I'm trying to find a nice fancy dress. I stopped at this one store that was called "dress 4 you" corny name, but worth a try

I walked in being greeted by two mid age women, "hello darling what are you looking for?" One said "And for what kinda education?" The other said
"It's actually for a dinner date, and I'm looking for a nice fancy dress" I explained

Both women looked at each other and nodded, they both ran at the back of the store, "Hun come back here please!" One of them yelled, I gently and carefully made my way to the back of the bus

"Try this on now hurry now." The lady said giving me a pink dress. I walked in the dressing room while removing all my clothes and putting in the dress, I turned an looked in the mirror "ah swatch loch a pink fat marshmallow" I mumbled to myself (a/n I look like a pink fat marshmallow in Scottish)

I walked out of the dressing room "uhhh" the both ladies said, they looked at each other and shook their heads "wait right here." One of them said . I sighed and waited

The two lady's came back "here" she said handing me the red and black flannel like dress, I smiled at the appearance and gladly took it, I went into the dressing room as changed dresses, I looked in the mirror and smiled "waw." I mumbled to myself (a/n waw is "wow" but in Scottish)

I walked out of the dressing room, the lady's both smiled and nodded "I'll take it." I spoke

I finally made it back to the hotel with a couple of bags

My phone started ringing

I smiled and answered it

"Good evening Mr. Cerulli."

"Hey, I'm going to pick you up at 8, I made reservations at 8 so."

I squinted at the clock

"Buck" I mumbled under my breath

(A/n buck is 'fuck' in Scottish)

"What's that?" Chris interrupted

"Oh um, nothing I should get ready now, so Call me when your at the hotel parking lot." I said

"Okay, bye."

"Oh and one thing, this is a date."

I chuckled and hung up, I walked in the bathroom and let my hair down, I straighten it while making curls at the end, I did a light makeup and removed my clothes while putting on new panties and a new clean bra.

I carefully out on my dress and my heels that had studs on them
I looked at myself in the mirror of the hotel bathroom, very satisfied to be honest.

* 3 hours here*

I was finally done getting ready, I looked at my phone
"Text message: Chris
I'm here (: "

I grabbed my purse and made my way down the hotel building into the exit finding Chris in front of his car, he was wearing a black suite, black tie, black dress shoe, his hair was combed nicely, his makeup was done better than mine.

I smiled and quietly walked towards him, I cleared my throat and he finally looked up from his phone, "hey Abiga-" he paused and his jaw almost dropped to the ground making me blush "you look stunning.."he finally said
"Why thank you, you look handsome yourself." I responded as he went for a hug

We leaned away and went inside the car off to dinner

We walked in the restaurant "reservation for motionless." He told the lady, the lady got the checklist and brushed her finger down the list until she stopped, "follow me" she smiled as she started walking

We walked to this nice table that had flowers and candles, this is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.. Chris and I took a seat "tell me your real story." He said

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow "I know you haven't told me your real real story, I can see it through your eyes." He said, I sighed and my thoughts filled with bad memories with Ryan

"I was engaged at the age of 16" I said
"Woah, are you serious?" Chris asked, I nodded "I didn't want to though, getting married was never a dream of mine but I had to." "Wait why did you have to?" Chris asked as he kept moving his chair

"I got pregnant of my ex boyfriends child, he wanted me to stay with him, even when I didn't, when he asked me to marry him cause of the child I couldn't say no , cause I actually thought he loved me. When I was 5 month pregnant the baby, I started getting abused by ryan, we got our own place and everything that's the reason I dropped out of school." I paused for a bit as the waitress came to take our drinks

"Anyways, at 7 months Ryan kicked me in the stomach really hard and I had a miscarriage, I told the Doctors what happened and they arrested Ryan"I concluded

Chris looked shocked "how old was he?"

"20.."I mumbled "and you were 16?"
I nodded "I made stupid mistakes in life that I regret, but everything happens for a reason."I sighed "well as long as your okay.." Chris smiled


He parked the car at the hotel Parkin lot and we both walked to my room

We made it to my room. I stood in front of my door and turned on my heels so now I was facing Chris."thank you." I said

"Your welcome." Chris responded "I really mean it Chris you're a nice guy, a gentle guy, I never met anyone like you." I smiled, Chris smirked and came closer to me, he leaned down a bit, I got on my toes and before I knew it his lips smashed on mine

I felt a perfect spark, my arms wrapped around his neck, while his arms wrapped around my hips, I could feel a smirk on his lips, it was perfect, it felt amazing as if we were the only ones in the world, corny but true.

I leaned away and smiled while letting out a giggle, "goodnight Chris." I finally said. He smiled at me "goodnight beautiful." I bit my bottom lip and opened the door and walked in closing it behind me I had the biggest smiled I looked like a dork...

Och mah god ah cannae believe 'at happened...

(A/n oh my god I can't believe that happened in Scottish)


Hey guys thanks for the reads! I know it seems a bit boring but I have planned a lot for this story and I can't wait for those parts to come!! Hope you enjoy this chapter on their first actual date! ^~^ (also the dress on the picture is the dress Abigail wore for the date)



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