Ghost in the mirror

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Abigail's POV
*2 days later*
I grabbed my bags and rolled out of the similar airport, as I walked out I saw the driver that I paid already here to drive my car here, how the hell did he get here first?

I unlocked my car and threw my bags in the back, I started the engine and drive to the my new home.

I walked upstairs of the building to get in the apartment, I unlocked it as I went inside I opened the door and I saw all my furniture already in there place and everything out of its box

Wow Angelo does decorate nice for a guy

I walked downstairs, the first scent that hit my nose was cigar, the scent that I adore so much

I walked downstairs as the scent got stronger, I turned and saw a blond wavy hair boy that has tattoos everywhere and a bird type of thing on his neck

He closed his eyes and looked up at the sky while exhaling the smoke

He opened his eyes and looked right at me

He smiled and I looked away while walking to my car, I grabbed my other bag and dropped my box on the floor

"Jobby." I mumbled

"You's need help darlin'?" I turned seeing the blind man standing there shoeless flannel on no shirt and shorts with sunglasses

"Um please?" I said smiling
He smiled and grabbed the box while I unlocked the door, he walked inside and set the box on the sofa

"Nice place Hun." He said taking off his glasses and looking around

"I didn't decorate it, my friend Angelo did actually." I said laughing at the end

"Angelo?" He asked looking at me

"A friend."I informed

"Oh crap, I christofer, christofer drew, everyone calls me Chris, I sing in a band called never shout never." He said shrugging

"I'm Abigail I get called Abby, an I work at a tattoo shop." I said turning to him

God why do I keep meeting all these band boys?!

"Well ain't that nice, a girl that can draw, and look perfect at the same time." He said smiling

"Oh um thanks." I chuckled

"Now darlin are you single?" He asked while winking

"Oh um no, I'm actually dating Chris cerulli."

His eyes widened "from that motionless band right?" He asked

I nodded "wow what a small place, I hate that dude." He informed while lifting another cigar

"Oh um I have to go over to my friends so I'll see you later Chris." I said trying to cut how awkward it was

He walked downstairs as I followed behind "well maybe we can hang out, smoke, if you smoke." He smiled

"Yea I do, totally bye Chris." I said while unlocking the door

He waved as exhaled the smoke

Well time to go to Kylie's

I stopped my engine and walked out of the car and saw Jessica's car on the curb with allies and Ryan-Ashley's, I smiled and walked in the front porch while knocking

"GET IT I HAVE TO PEE!" I heard allies voice


I heard Kylie's laugh in the distance
"You guys are very foolish!" Ryan-Ashley said while I heard someone's footsteps walking towards the door

It opened showing a tall long haired girl

"AHHH YOUR HERE!" She yelled

"I AM!"I yelled back as she squeezed me in a hug

"Whose at the door Ryan?" I heard Kylie yell

Ryan let me walk in and I followed her in

I ran and jumped on the back of Kylie

"Ow!" She yelled while pushing me off, she turned around

"OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE JESSICA!" She yelled while attacking me with a hug

Jessica and Allie walked in "SHES HERE!" They both yelled attacking me in hug

"The boys play later today and we were all going to see them today and tomorrow with their last show." Ryan said while sitting on a chair

"I really don't wanna go see them I mean I do but Ryan is being such a bitch right now"Allie said rolling her eyes, Ryan wasn't lying..

"I'm going, hopefully going to try to work it out with Ricky." Jessica said smiling

I frowned knowing Rylan is moving in with Ricky

"Sounds cool.i may just go back home and I'll watch then tomorrow" I said

"Are you sure?" Allie said

I nodded and rested myself on the chair


"And done." I smiled at how I finished doing Jessica's makeup, I finished with black lipstick and gave her something cute to wear

"I'm actually going to buy Kylie's gift."I whispered

"Oh here can you buy some mac makeup for her from me, spend 90 bucks on the makeup, here@ She said grabbing 109 bucks from her purse and giving it to me I nodded and grabbed my wallet and put it in a empty slot

"Okay you look cute, I think the girls are ready so I'll get going" I said standing up and we made our way to Kylie's living room

"Okay girls lets go in my car, we'll see you tomorrow Abby." Ryan said

"Don't worry about it I'll be here."

I walked out and unlocked my car while going in it "DONT TELL CHRIS!" I screamed out of my window before driving away to my new apartment


I changed shows into toms and walked out

I unlocked the car and saw Chris sittin on a tree smoking

"Hey want to come to the mall with me?!" I yelled

He smile and jumped off the tree


" I told you, that you had to wear shoes in the mall." I laughed

"I go shoeless everywhere, didn't think they'll start screaming." He laughed

We walked in Victoria secret and I grabbed a lot of panties for Kylie and then we went to Mac to buy some makeup which I spent 120 an I just added the rest

"So how this friend of yours? Rylan? She sounds interesting." He said

"She's young. She has a life to live but she's making bad decisions, I can't stop her tho." I sighed as we walked out of the mall he nodded


"4 more days babe, I miss you." Chris said over the phone

"I know Scotland misses you to! My bed is so lonely here..." I sighed

"I didn't even see you apartment! When I get there I better see it!"he laughed

"You will it's getting late and I have to wake up early."

"Ugh I hate how were thousands and thousands of miles away, but ill talk to you tomorrow it's getting late in Scranton to weird huh?"

Super duper weird

"Okay Hun talk later bye." I said while hanging up

If only he knew


Okay so christofer drew is going to be a main character which is going to be Abigail's best friend! Yay! 2 more chapters and Chris finally finds out!

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