The seventh circle

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"You were out late you said you'd be back early!"
My ears are literally on the verge of bleeding from hearing this bitch scream non stop.

I just got back home from my daughters birthday party and she's screaming in my face . I didn't want to stay with Sabrina, I just felt like I had to in a way.
"Sabrina... it was my daughters party calm down."

"Yea right I bet you were all over Abigail."

I wish I was.. jeez I can't believe she's with that Kyle boy. No way ! What does he have that I don't. He's nothing compared to me . She's ridiculous im her baby daddy I did fuck up.

"Sabrina, I picked you over her , please stop." I pleaded.

Sabrina looked at me and rolled her eyes, "Chris I know you don't want to be with me I'm not
She's right I don't want to. These past two years have been hell. Sabrina cheats all the time I'm away. Once I left for tour and found a used condom on the floor under our bed. She doesn't treat me good. All I can think about is Abigail.

"Okay." Is all I responded.

"Okay?! Okay?! That's all you fucking have to say?! Fuck you chris I'll show you ok!" She grabbed her keys and walked out the house slamming the door.

I grabbed my phone and opened my messages

To Abigail :
Can you come over please? We need to talk about what happened in the garage earlier today

Abigail's POV

"We need to talk"
I read the message out loud to my mom and brother but left out the garage part

"Talk or fuck?" Oli asked

I gave him a shut up face .

"So you're done with him for good Abby?" My mom asked
"Yes mom I'm in love with Kyle"

"So you feel no love for Chris?" My mom asked

Yes I do
"No" I answered
"I have to be tough mom he did something bad and I found someone better"

"Okay Abby as long as your happy" my mom and Oli smiled

"I'm going to sleep make urself comfortable" I said while walking upstairs

Next day-

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I jumped out of my sleep rubbing my eyes . The sun was shining straight through the window bothering my eyes.

I looked up and only was able to see my fiancés silhouette.. "Kyle baby..." my yawn stopped me from finishing "why are you yelling?"

"Abigail don't be a fucking dumbass what happened yesterday?"he yelled

"What are you talking about?" I responded while rubbing my eyes .

He threw my phone at me
"Why did Chris send you that message? What happened in the garage Abigail?" He yelled


"Uh not- kyl- fuck nothing happened"

I stared into my fiancés eyes . They were watering up . I can see the tears forming.

"Abigail." He muttered, the tears finally streaming down his face .

"I-I-I" I stuttered , nothing but stuttering came out.

"You still love him." He whispered

"I love you" I answered

"That's not answering my question Abigail."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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