Im not your puppet (part one)

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"This is so much drinks oh god." I said

"Right? Chris and Ricky and Allie don't drink:" Jessica said while putting whiskey in the coolers

"Oh." I mumbled
"I-I didn't know, they dont care if drinks are out?" I questioned

Jessica shook her head and place the last whiskey bottle in the cooler

I brought my clothes from my house I do live a little far from the girls so I wasn't going to drive back just to get clothes and come right back

I walked outside to my car and grabbed my leather skirt with a tight crop top

I walked back in Kylie's house and set the clothes on the couch

"Look'n fine." Jessica winked

I chuckled "have to for my goth baby."

We both laughed and Kylie walked in "okay guys this." She picked up a see through black lace dress "or this" she added while picking up a red tight skirt with a nice plain tight shirt

"Dress" Jessica an I both said
Kylie nodded and walked back in the room "wait when's your birthday?"

"Um, in a week actually."I shrugged

"Dude! After this party we will need to plan your party!hopefully Ricky and I will already be together." Jessica smiled

"Hopefully." I mumbled while nodding
"Does Chris know?" Jess asked

"No no one does, but you do now." I laughed


I held my hair and let it loose, I glanced at the mirror and saw my curls on my blond hair, I threw on my clothes and added my pumps.

All the girls looked very pretty, Allie wasn't here though, she texted us saying she'll plan something else with us and that she won't be able to make it

I wonder if Ryan and her are having problems

I sighed and looked at the mirror once again "your look fine though." I turned seeing Ryan-Ashley in a long black dress with heels, Ryan dresses very modern, so it looked really nice

I smiled and turned "thanks Ryan." I said

She nodded and walked out of the bathroom


"okay so when they get here Chris always goes upstairs to our guest room, so when he goes up there follow him and while the lights are off attack him on the bed." Kylie yelled over the music

I laughed "to sexual Kylie!"

She winked and went to go talk to others, there was a lot of people here, miw boys are coming in 5 min, band mates, friends, family is here

I glanced at the window and saw 5 cars pulling up, I quickly put my whiskey down and sat on the chair far from the front door, I scrunched my nose nervously causing my nose ring to move

"BABE!" I heard Kylie yell while jumping on Devin, I smiled and then Ryan walked in, he looked really happy with the baddest smirk ever, vinny walked in while attacking Lynn, from pvris

Balz came in and waved at the girls and hugged Ryan, I turned to see Jessica trying to find Ricky, I shook my head and turned seeing Rylan walking in hand in hand with Ricky, and then he walked in... I smiled and wanted to squeal,

Chris did exactly what Kylie said, he walked upstairs, I saw the other boys and they left, Jessica was on her phone, I wonder if she saw Ricky

I shrugged and followed Chris slowly, he opened the door of the room, right when he entered I attacked him, the lights was off so it was pitch black since Kylie's guest room was all black

He trembled to the bed, my legs on either side of him, I held his cheek with one hand, the other was holding myself up on top of him, he kissed back passionately

His hand went under my skirt holding one of my ass cheeks, I wonder if he knows it's me?

I moaned as he squeezed my ass, but I wasn't ready to give myself to him yet

I grabbed his hand and placed it in the bed, we finally parted and he chuckled "how are you here?" He asked

"It's called flying Chris." I said back

"Oh god how did you fly here Scotland all the way to Scranton?"

I laughed

I got off him and walked to the lights

"How did you know it was me?" I asked while sitting on his lap

"Your lips, I know those lips." He smirked

"How long have you've been here?" He asked while pulling me closer to him

"About a week and a half." I shrugged

He smiled "when are you going back?"

My eyes shot up to him "please don't say right now." He said while squeezing my hand

"I actually came here for a reason." I said

"Your breaking up with me aren't you?" He frowned

"If I was do you think I would have let you squeeze my ass like that?" I chuckled

He smiled and shook his head "I live here." I smiled

"Shut the fuck up." He quickly said

I nodded and smiled

He kissed my lips and pulled away

"Did you really do that for me?" He asked

"Yea, I can't do long distance without hugging you or having you in my arms." I shrugged

Chris smile grew and pecked my lips once more "how are Rylan and Ricky?" I asked

"Two people thinking there in love, but there not." Chris laughed
I shook my head and got off his lap

"What did you get? House, apartment?"

"Apartment " I quickly answered

He nodded and took off his jacket "it's crazy how you flew out here for me"

"Well I care way too much for you." I smiled while leaning on the door frame

Chris's POV

She leaned on the door frame and o smiled and walked towards her

I bent down a bit and pecked her lips she moved away so I can walk out, she followed behind me

I hope she doesn't regret doing this how Sabrina regretted it, cause she is now my puppet

(A/n dun dun dun okay now this is when the shit starts, drama fights and cheating will start, and not just with Chris with basically everyone, what do you guys mean by "she is now my puppet" like and comment!)

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