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"I honestly didn't want to, trust know how d-" he paused as my phone rang for the 10th time

It was kellin, I sighed and hung up "I know.." Chris huffed and offered my mom and Hannah a coffee which they both accepted.

" I know how he treated you, but you could've have taken me..." I sighed and looked down
"I know, we hardly know much about each other." Chris walked in with three cups of coffee, he gave two to my mom and Hannah, he drank some from one and handed the one he sipped to me

I smiled and sipped it a bit
"The ink you did is very rad." Hannah said
I looked at her and thanked her "no problem, I also am a tattoo artist, trust me I've seen really bad tattoo artist who think their good, but their not." I laughed a bit

"I need a couple of ink done on me by her." Chris said "she always did so much art and put it up on the fridge." My mom said

My cheeks got pink. Oliver chuckled "how's dad?"

I shrugged "I don't contact him, last time I did was when I was 15" he nodded and played with his fingers "so when's the wedding?" I asked changing the subject

"Next year around July." Hannah answered "what about you? Are you guys planning on getting married?" She added

I grabbed the coffee cup and drinking it ignoring the question, "haven't made plans, but the future will be told sooner or later." I almost chocked on my coffee as I heard Chris say that "Hun are you okay?" My mother nearly yelled getting up and taking the cup away from me

"Yea.. I'm fine." I have Chris a look and he half smiled

"You two are so cute, Chris need to tour together some time mate." My brother told my boyfriend. "Yea ill talk to Korel about that." Chris said


"You got along with them." I said while laying my head on Chris's bare chest "it's your family." He chuckled

"Doesn't mean you have to be nice." I sighed "hey I have to, if I want to treat the girl that I'm planning to live with for the rest of my life then yes I'll treat her family like heaven."

I got up and placed my hand on his chest and the other held my weight by having it on the bed "you're so nice... In really lucky." I smiled

"No I'm the lucky one." He leaned in and pecked my lips, Hannah and Oliver stayed in a room and my mom stayed in the office room, I do have a bed in there for no reason.

I leaned away and laid on the pillow "it's late, they got here at three and we finished talking around..?"

"6 am." Chris answered, he snuggles closer to me and fell asleep.


"Red." Hannah answered "red is a cute color for a bridesmaids dress."

"Thank you!" She exclaimed. "What color would you want your wedding?" She asked

I sighed, "I don't think Chris and I will ever get married.." There was a silence until she changed the topic "how do you like America?" She asked

"It's nice, different-"

"Well they said UK can be a good tour, whenever you get back from the tour with New Year's Day." I heard my brother say as he walked in with Chris

"Yea a UK tour would be nice." Chris agreed

"Then it's settled, we will plan after you come from the tour with New Year's Day I've nine kills, and the others." Oli said

Chris nodded and looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. "We're going to leave tomorrow, since I have to go back to the studio and write the new album."

I slightly frowned "yea, Chris has to write his new album soon, hey we should go out and have dinner with our mom, just us two and mom." I invited as I rest my elbow on the counter

"That'll be delightful, you two to finally have a family dinner." Hannah smiled "I'll go back with the guys, and check on balz and Ashley."

"That's sounds fun, let's just Plan and then go wake her up." I shrugged

"I'll go shopping" Hannah mumbled

Oli laughed and kissed her cheek
Oliver and I took her out to dinner and we talked about each other and learned so much about each other

I'm actually happy we re United cause he's a good guy and my mom is just amazing with the both of us.

"You are invited to my wedding you know that right?" My brother questioned

"Yea Hannah also told me." I looked at mom who was paying something from a gift shop

"Good, we get along very well, and I'm happy we worked everything out." He smiled

I nodded and took my hand out so he can shake it, "really?" Oli squinted his eyes and hugged me
"Ouch." I mumbled into his chest


We came home three hours ago and mom wanted to plan wedding stuff with Hannah, Chris is out with the guys so I'm watching what they want, "all the bags are packed" oli said walking downstairs since they leave at 4 in the morning

Hannah and my mom ignored him and looked through pictures

I laughed and took off my heels,

I looked at the time.


Here's a quick update, and if you guys are confused I deleted a lot of parts so if you'd like to re read you can!

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