In darkness

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"We should get inside." I suggested

"I-I guess." He shrugged while we walked in.i wasn't going to cheat on Chris I'm not that person, we walked back in the dressing room and everyone was still where they were, I sat on Chris's lap again

"Sound check guys everyone is already lined up." Korel said

Chris smiled and kissed me before leaving "Abb." I turned hearing Rylans voice "yea?"I asked

"I think I want to go to Scranton."


I Literally want to apologize to Abigail, she's like in love with Chris, and I can't believe what I was about to do, I just need to work things out with Allie "bro you okay? You look like you have the whole world on your shoulders"Ricky said

"Perfect" I answered

"Oh.okay then" he walked towards the stage and went to Chris

Abigail's POV

"Your still 16! How are you going to leave your in school! You don't even have a place to live!" I yelled

"Ricky's apartment! I can start school in Scranton!" She yelled back

I shook my head "your going to ruin your life!" I yelled back

"UGH!" She got up and walked out of the room

My phone started beeping like crazy, I raised my eyebrow and looked at it "@hailey.miw mentioned you in a post: she's so pretty awe Chris looks so happy!" It was a post of Chris and I kissing backstage " hopefully she doesn't hurt Chris like Sabrina did."

"@horrorfantasy she looks like a slut she probably just wants him for the money, another Sabrina and Jessica smh." I rolled my eyes and looked at another photo

It was one of Chris and I kissing in the back of the venue that happened yesterday "@alex.lopez FINALLY CHRIS IS HAPPY AGAIN!"

I smiled and I got a shit ton of followers, I went to my messages and texted Chris, even tho I can just walk over there I don't want to bug him "babe your fans know about us." Send

I saw him type right when I sent it "I know, I saw the pictures, some hot pictures don't ya think? Well I'm happy they know. (; this is another step"

I laughed "another step?"

"It's like meeting my parents, but meeting my fans ya know."

I rolled my eyes and set my phone down

Miw plays any minute, I'm still not over Rylan trying to leave, I walked over backstage and watched the boys perform, Ryan kept looking back at me which was so uncomfortable

"Paralyzed by the envy of your night I am lost without you here and outside it looks like rain for the last time I bleed myself dry tonight and nothing I could ever write will help you understand this life there's so much beauty when your eyes lay lost in all the city lights." I stopped listening to Chris and caught my eyes on Ricky cause he was facing backstage watching Rylan, mouthing the words to her...should she leave? I'm not her mother. I walked to the other side of the stage and pulled Rylan aside "I'm not your mom I can't tell you what to do so if you know your going to love this man and he's going to love you go for it." I said, she smiled "you still owe me." She hugged me and we went back watching the guys

"How are you Scotland!!! I'm doing a quick speech, since last month I've probably been the happiest man ever because-"

"WOOOOOO!" The crowd screamed

"Because of a special person."

"ABIGAIL!" My eyes widened as I heard someone from the crowd scream my name

Chris laughed and nodded "Okay then, ha we're going to play one of our favorite song, has anyone purchased the album creatures?"


"Okay good listen to that after the concert cause I'm not playing any songs from there."

"C'mon Chris don't be a jerk." Ricky said in the mic

"Shut up wiener boy, but I'm kidding this song is called creatures!"

"You're leaving tomorrow." I reminded Chris while I snuggles closer to him

"I know baby girl I'm going to miss you."

I sighed and held him closer "I'm going to visit at the end of the month after Kylie's party which is in two days I promise." He said as he brushed his lips on mine

"Good... I'm sorry I can't move Chris." I whispered

"It's not your fault babe your life is here." He said

I smiled and pecked his lips, bunks are small but I never thought they would be big enough for a tall as man and a short ass girl

"Go to sleep loser" I said "you go to sleep its past your bedtime." He said

I rolled my eyes and turned around so my back was facing him


*next day*

I woke up and jumped out of my bunk

"God dammit thanks for keeping me up all night Abigail."balz said while walking to the front of the bus "what?" I said

"Your moaning and your "FASTER FASTER YESS" moans" balz said "and your voice gets all annoying while your banging Chris." Vinny added

"I stayed up and was afraid  we had to call the ambulance." Devin said

I looked at Ryan and he just rolled his eyes
"Guys I have no idea what your talking about cause Chris and I haven't even gotten into each other's pants."

"As sad as that is its true." Chris added as he jumped out of his bunk

"So you two weren't making those noises?" Devin asked

I shook my head "then who did I was so fucking tired!" Balz yelled

"Guys we haven't accused Ricky or Rylan." Ryan said

"Rylans on the bus?" I asked

Everyone nodded "dang they barely got together and they started banging."I whispered

"AWE BABY RYLAN ISNT A VIRGIN ANYMORE!"I screamed and ran in the back of the lounge, I tempted to open the door but it was locked

"Ricky you have my best friend in there open up." I said, no answer

"RYLAN!"I yelled again

No answer

I sighed and walked to the front of the bus "they won't open." I said

"Who won't open?" Ricky's voice said as he walked in the bus hand in hand with Rylan "wait, aren't you guys suppose to be snuggling since you two fucked last night?" Devin asked

"What? The only touching Ricky an I have done is our lips touching each other." Rylan informed

"Who the fuck is in the room th-"

"Oh and Abby your fucking loud when your banging Chris." Ricky said "IT WASNT ME.!" I yelled while throwing my hands in surrender

"Who was it then?" Balz asked

"Guys." Chris whispered

"It's Josh."

"Awe shit." Vinny said

I laughed and shook my head

"We should get out" Devin recommended

"That we shall do." Chris said as we all walked off the bus

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