Leaving day

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*late that day*

Technically Chris leaves today, but he leaves at 12 am so he leaves tomorrow, but later today, it's 7 pm and Chris and the guys got some sleep before the flight, I told Chris I had to leave cause I had a emergency with my mom.

I didn't though, because my flight leaves at 10 pm so I'm saying my goodbyes as returning everything

I finally parked up the curb from my now old job and walked in the shop "hey Abigail." Terressa greeted as I walked in, I weakly smiled and waved "here." I said while I set my tattoo room keys down on her desk.

"Abby what's going on?" She asked "I'm leaving im officially leaving." As corny as this sounds I could feel tears in my eyes, terress frowned and attacked me in a bear hug, "I'll miss you ." She whispered


*3 years ago*

I finally dropped out of school, and im meeting my moms best friend daughter, the owner of the tattoo shop called 'black ink'

My mom got out of the car and I followed behind her, "be nice teressa is a nice young lady so for start drama." I rolled my eyes and entered the store

"You must be Abigail.?" The tall blond questioned

"And you must be Teressa"

+end of flashback+

"I should get going...you have Rylans number remember." I said before leaving I stopped myself and took out a box "give this to Alex." I informed as I walked out and walked in my car, the box was a necklace that said "Alexandra." But in cursive


I stopped at my moms house to officially say good-bye until next time, I got out of the car and walked to the porch, I took out the key from under the Mat and unlocked the door

I walked upstairs seeing my mom sound asleep "mom." I whispered causing her to wake up

"Is it time?" She asked
I sighed and nodded "I'll visit I promise." I attacked her with a hug and kissed her cheek


"Rylan just tell him I got sick and went home early." I whispered through the phone

"Okay but what if he ask more questions I'm scared of Chris!" She whispered yelled

"He won't just say hey Abigail's mom got super sick and got Abby sick so she's staying with her mom, but she said she will wait until you visit her cmon don't be a bitch Rylan!" I whispered

"Fine but if he starts yelling im telling the truth!"



She hung up and I threw my phone in my purse

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw a short girl with long black hair and blue ocean eyes "sorry to bug but are you Abigail? The one dating Chris from motionless in white?"she asked

"Uh y-yea I am." "Can you give this to the band please it's just saying on how much they helped me." She handed me a black envelope "sure why n-"

"Flight to Scranton now boarding."

"Sorry I have to go but I'll for sure give it to them bye." I said as I walked to the boarding area

well here goes nothing....

Rylan's POV


What if he does get mad like that? What do I do?do I tell for help? Call 911? Attack him? Stab him? So much options

"Rylan have you talked to Abigail she's not answering my calls." Chris frowned as the call went to voicemail

"No, it's going to voicemail, she stayed at her moms she got sick since her mom is sick her mom passed it to her, so she doesn't wanna pass it to you so she told me to tell you bye have a safe flight and she'll see you in two days" I concluded as I shifted uncomfortably on the bus sofa

Please don't yell.

"Oh okay then um I'm worried sick for her can you keep texting her telling her to answer me please?"

"Sure thing."I answered

He nodded and left the front of the bus
Oh my god scariest thing in the world I let out a deep breath and started worrying about myself

Do I want to quite school? And move in with Richard? God I just met him and we planned our future together.i already said yes to him and packed my clothes and whiskers is walking around the bus

Ricky really loves whiskers we decided to have her as our own child since we both never want kids I looked at the clock *11:40* one more hour and we have to leave.

"Danny start driving the bus to the airport" korel told Danny miw bus driver

Danny started the engine, well no going back now


Okay well there's a quick view of Rylans life and the decision she made, AND ABIGAIL IS FINALLY MOVING YAY!

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