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Abigails POV
"No fucking way" Ryan-Ashley yelled as she rubbed my pregnant belly.

"Right!" I yelled back.

"Chris knows?" She questioned
I shook my head no.

"How's he doing?" She asked
I shrugged "not sure we haven't talked that much, he wants his privacy a lot he stays to himself it's like we aren't even together." I frowned while explaining.

"Hm. Weird ." She responded . "I know."

"He's in California right?" She asked again.
I nodded . She stayed quiet a bit while rubbing my tummy then she stopped rubbing my tummy after a while 2 minutes of silence and looked right into my eyes.

"What?" I questioned.
"Chris is in California . Sabrinas there." She said.

I was slightly confused "his ex?"

"Yea! He's probably seeing her again. If he's acting so weird it has to be the only reason." She explained

I scrunched my nose and thought about it "no way." I said

"I don't know it's just an idea." She paused then made that thinking face.

"Why don't you fly there? Surprise him. Surprise him with the baby as well."

I thought about it "that's not a bad idea." I sat down on the couch.
"Maybe if he is with Sabrina again you can catch him in the act"

"There's just no way he can be with her again." I said bitting the inside of my cheek. I looked down at my belly. No way.

"It's better to know now then never love." Ryan Ashley was right . But what if he's not? I'll look stupid. I want to know though. That Sabrina chick is crazy. I am having his kid. I need to know.

"Let's book tickets now." She said while grabbing her laptop. I was a bit worried

I just got home it's 12 in the morning. We got tickets for tomorrow at 2 pm. I'm thinking of just checking in so I'm going to pack lightly not too heavy

What if he is with Sabrina? There's just no way. I wonder if he'll get mad that I'm visiting. No way though I'm his girlfriend he should be happy more than anything.

I finished packing and threw my bag in my car.

Ryan Ashley and I just ate food and watched movies. I'm glad she gave me this idea.
I texted Angelo as well and he told me not to worry about missing work that he'll fill in for me.

I need to get a bit of rest , tomorrow's a big day. I'm so excited but scared to see Chris again.

My flight landed in California . I looked down at my hand. Looked at the promise ring he gave me. Chris promised me that he'd forever love me
So why would he lie?

He said he was staying at Devin's house. I know where devin lives so it wasn't a big deal. I called a cab and they me there. My stomach was clearly showing. I'm scared to see what Chris says. Chris hasn't texted me at all last night or this afternoon or morning which makes me upset.

I got to Devin's pretty quickly, I paid the cab and walked up to the house. The door was unlocked so I welcomed myself in hoping Kylie and devin won't mind.

I made my way to their guest room assuming Chris was in there.

I turned on the lights and saw two body figured laying together snuggled in with each other. My heart sank. I was ready to yell

I was ready to throw my ring and go crazy. U til I saw Kylie move and it was devin and Kylie.

I quietly walked out and went into the music room devin has

"Catharsis.. in darkness" his deep raspy voice spoke after writing it down on a piece of paper.

He was facing away from the entrance. Sitting there writing with his guitar in his hands. I felt so happy. So excited, butterflies filled my stomach. It felt like I was falling in love all over again.

I slowly walked behind him and tapped his shoulder "no devin I'm not hung-" he paused as he slowly turned to me

His eye widened his jaw almost dropped to the ground while looking at me in my eyes. "Abigail." He quietly whispered

I smiled and nothing was said . He stood up as he towered over me and he hugged me. He quickly let go as he felt there was something blocking him to fully hug me. He looked down at my stomach and saw my bump.

He then looked up to my eyes as his started to water "are you serious..?" His lips formed into a smile
I smiled and quickly nodded my head. He kissed me.

I missed this. There's no way he would go behind my back. I know it.
He stopped kissing me and looked down at my belly again , he placed two hands on my stomach . "I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes baby. I'm five months my love." I said. Chris smiled again and kissed me passionately "I'm so fucking happy you're here." He said.

"I love you so fucking much" he said "I love you too baby." I responded.

"I can't believe this ." I chuckled at how shocked he is. Then instantly it's like a switch was turned on . He quickly let go of me and looked at me without smiling "Abigail" his voice changed "what are you doing here?" He started raising his voice a bit.

My mood changed. What's going on?

"Baby I wanted to surprise you."

He looked upset , but not upset that I'm here more like if he was upset at himself?

"I-I'm sorry you're right I'm so glad you're here.he smiled weakly while grabbing my stomach.

"You must be hungry my love let's get you some food for you and the baby." He said pointing at my stomach

I smiled but my smile wasn't as strong as it used to be. He's fine

Nothings going on. Right?

Everything's fine right?

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