Chapter 4: Decision of the deal

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A/N: I don't own destiny all rights go to bungee

Jason POV:

I've has been taking in what Eramis has said for a couple of seconds now just taking in what she has just said.

She wants ME to join HER and the House of Salvation??

Jason:" Wait, so your saying that you want me to join you?"

Eramis:" I only harbor hatred for that machine you follow, your just a pawn in its game but I can help you, so yes I want you as an ally"

Jason:" Wow uh, so if I agree to this you promise that you won't attack the last city, you give your word?"

Eramis: " I don't break agreements I make, unless the other person breaks them themselves"

Wow so I have a free ticket to guarantee that they won't cause destruction upon the last city but I realize that it's at a cost. I will be siding with the enemy, this has to be some kind of treason against the traveler. But I realize the vanguard won't straight up kill me they'd want to know why first .

If I'm doing this Id need to explain myself first to the vanguard clearly later.

Eramis:" I know when someone will be useful for a cause and I can tell you will be of great use for all Eliksni"

Eramis:" So final time I'm asking, Do we have a deal?"

She puts one of her lower set of arms out for a handshake. I guess it's just a universal thing in the galaxy, how bout that.

If I accept this the vanguard will be furious but will most likely hear me out as to why. But it could also lead to peace between our people and that would genuinely be great. If ghost were taking I know he'd be saying don't join. But I feel something in my gut urging me to join and help the last city and also help the Eliksni.

Screw it the last time I've done something the vanguard approves of was back during Cayde-6...

I miss him

Jason: "Deal"

I grab her hand with mine and we shake on it as our agreement

I lock eyes with her and I see her eyes slant up as if she's grinning and looks over to Kridis.

Eramis: " Kridis, tell the House we have a new member with us, a new ally"

Kridis:" Yes Eramiskel"

I see Kridis walk away and go in the direction the other barons were waking after Eramis dismissed them.

Eramis: "There's something special about you Guardain, something I've never seen in one of your kind before. Could it be defiance against the Vanguard I sense"

I decide I'd be better try and talk so she doesn't get suspicious and also so I can know why she's even offer me the option to join her.

Jason:" Well, I haven't listened that well to the Vanguard much recently"

Eramis:" I think we will get along Pawn. Seek out Praksis he will give you new gear and your ghost back"

I don't know how to feel about the name Pawn she's given me. It's demeaning and obviously teasing but I hate to say but I kinda like it.

Jason:"Go where Kridis headed and I'll summon Atraks to guide you"

I nod to her and start to head the way she said to go. As I'm waking I accidentally say the main thing I've been thinking this entire time out just above a whisper.

Jason:"Ghost is going to I'll me!"

To be continued

A/N: that's this chapter done with I'm enjoying writing more about Eramis and later showing her softer side. If you have any feedback at all comment it, it keeps me going knowing people enjoy it or want me to fix something. Until next chapter peace.

[Discontinued /new story out]Love found in Stasis: Eramis x guardian (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now