Chapter Two : Promise Me

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As we arrive at the house that I will now call my home my stomach does a complete flip. What if these people are as abusive as my other foster homes?

I look out my window and almost scream. This house is so big! I mean like mansion big!

I hesitantly get out of the car and walk around to gather my things from the trunk. I look over my shoulder to see three people standing at the door to the house; two male and one female.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Seer." The man who brought me introduces himself.

"Hi, We're the Jackson's. This is my son Xavier and my wife Jessie." The oldest man says.

"Hello." I mumble.

I pull my sleeves down to make sure none of my scars show on my wrist or arms. I don't want to risk them seeing the cuts and sending me to a hospital.

"Xavier, why don't you show Maddie to her room?" Jessie says and opens the door wide.

I follow Xavier up a flight of stairs and down a hall. He opens a door to a room and I gasp as it opens to reveal a gigantic room with an armoire and what looks like a king sized bed.

"Moms going to love having you around." Xavier says out of nowhere and I just look at him questioningly. "I mean she's always wanted a daughter and now she has one. How old are you anyways?"

"I'm 16." I answer as I continue to look around the room.

"Cool, I'm 16 too. When do you plan on starting school?"

Oh my god! I completely forgot about school. How could I be so stupid and forget about the one thing that actually brings me happiness? 

I shrug my shoulders and through my bag on the floor. My sleeve rolls up enough to see some of the scars. Not noticing Xavier moving I jump back about five feet when he appears behind me.

"Why?" He asks as I pull my sleeves down.

"Why what?" I ask trying to play innocent.

"Maddie, I saw the scars. Why do you cut?" He asks rolling my sleeve up to reveal more.

"It's a long story and you wont want to hear it." I sigh.

"I have time. Maddie, you are now living with me, I'm going to treat you like a sister so please tell me what's going on?" He pleads.

"Fine, but you may want to take a seat."

I sit on the floor with my legs crossed and Xavier does the same facing my direction.

"Depression hit when I was twelve. My foster parents would always beat me and I never knew why. I would get so hurt and they wouldn't even care. I started cutting when I was four-teen. The abuse was getting worse and every foster home I went to, to try and escape the beatings it never stopped. It's like everyone in the damned state had something against me. Everything was just so damn intense, the cutting helped lift me from my misery; it helped me up when I was down; My blade was there for me when no one else was." I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I honestly don't have the strength to hold them back.

"Wow, Maddie, I had no idea." He says in shock.

"No one every does." I sniffle.

"When was the last know.." He's trying to find a way to ask me a really hard question.

"I was beat just last night and I cut just this morning, if that's what you are trying to ask." I say standing up and brushing the dirt and dust from me.

"I promise you that you will never have to go through any of that again. I will protect you Maddie and you need to promise me that no matter what life throws your way you will push through it and you will not cut anymore."

"That's easier said than done! I can't just stop at will, it's become a habit that I do when I get down." I half yell.

"Promise me." He pushes further.

"Fine, I promise." And with those words Xavier leave me standing alone in my new bedroom.

I start to unpack some things when I hear talking and it sound like it's coming from right outside my room. I can only hear mumbles and I can't fully make out what they're saying.

I really hope it's not something about me because all my foster parents kept something from me and that was their excuse to beat me; because I didn't know.

As I finish placing my things in the drawers of the armoire I go sit on the bed and think about what life will be like now that I live here with people that seem to care and a brother who does care.

I flop back on my bed feeling the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion and close my eyes. Hopefully here I wont be waken by a slap on the face or a kick to the stomach. I let my body settle into the bed and let it drift off to sleep.

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