Chapter Nine : Different

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As we pull away from each other Maddie looks right into my eyes and smiles. I smile back and I know from now on things are going to be super different around here.

The pack has now found their Beta female and will be delighted to meet her. I can feel Ace start pacing in my mind and this kinda worries me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing . I'm just anxious, when are you going to tell her about the mating process." He asks still pacing.

"If you haven't noticed she is all new to this and I don't want to over load her with information." I reply.

"Fine, but we need to tell her soon." Ace says as he stops pacing.

"Soon." I reassure him.

"So, where do we take things from here?" I hear Maddie ask.

"Ever since we knew you were wolf we started digging trying to find out why your parents would give you up for adoption. Werewolves don't have many children and even if they an conceive more than one the tops is probably three. But Maddie, you're different, you are six-teen and haven't shifted yet. Normally we would shift on our sixteenth birthday but that didn't happen with you because you would know it. There's something majorly different with you and we don't know what." Xavier explains to her.

"How are we going to find out?" Maddie asks.

"We are trying to find your birth parents but we've come up with nothing so far. Even your records don't have your real parents names, it's like they never existed." Jacob says as he goes to stand next to Xavier.

"I need to sleep." She says.

"You just woke up." Lacey say. "Why would you need to go back to sleep?"

"I'm going to tell you all something that I have never told anyone." Maddie starts. "I can talk to the dead."


With the secret of how I can talk to the dead lifted off my shoulders. The group look at me in shock and I close my eyes to regain my confidence.

"How?" Erin asks.

"I don't know. All I know is it started when I turned thirteen. When I would be asleep people would come to me and I'd feel safe around them. I don't know how it all started but maybe its the reason why I haven't shifted." I explain.

"Who have you met?" Layla asks.

"First, when I meet them they are keen on not telling my anything that could risk my future. I don't know but it seemed like they cared for me. But it wasn't alway in my sleeping state, it was in my waking one too. All around me, day and night I would see the people and they would tell me that there will be light at the end of the tunnel." I explain.

"But who have you met?" Layla asks again.

"I don't really know their names or status but I could feel their love and compassion for me." I finish.

"So you want to sleep to see if you can connect with anyone?" Jacob asks.


"How do you know that these aren't just dreams and delusions?" Noah ask.

"Because they are too real. At first I thought the same thing but than things started getting real. I mean I would wake up from one of the conversation when the person pinched me or would help me get out of my dream and than he or she would be standing by the side of my bed." I explain further.

"I say we let her try." Erin says.

I walk out of the living room an up to my bed. I burry my head in my pillow and fall fast asleep.


"Maddie?" I hear a voice call out?

"I'm here." I shout.

A beautiful woman that I've never seen before comes out of the darkness and stands right in front of me.

"How are you feeling with all this new information?" She asks.

"You know? How?" I ask curiously.

"Because I'm the moon goddess." She says with a smile.

"Moon goddess?" I question.

"The moon goddess is the goddess that created the wolves and decided who will be who's mate." Another woman comes out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" I ask inn a shaky voice.

"My name is Levi." She replies.

"Why are you telling me all this? No one has ever told me their names before." I say.

"Maddie, you are special and you need to know that." The moon goddess says.

"I came to tell you somethings you should know before you move on with everything." Levi says.

"Okay..." I'm starting to get worried.

"Maddie, I'm your mother." Levi says and my jaw drops.

"Mother?" I question.

"Yes Maddie your mother." She says.

"You're dead." I say.

"Actually, I'm not. you got a special gift; you can talk to ghosts and apparently the moon goddess. I, on the other hand, can go into peoples dreams, waking or sleeping." Levi says.

"Why did you give me up? Why did you make me suffer all these years." I cry.

"Your father and I had no choice but to give you up. To hide you from the enemy."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your fathers brother hated that he never found his mate. He went on rampages and when he found out that I was expecting he was furious. He tried to kill me on numerous occasions until your father decided that it was enough. After I gave birth to you he somehow managed to escape the cell your father put him in. He was after blood, and more than any, he wanted yours. Your uncle turned rouge and I haven't seen him since." Levi explains.

"Theres one thing that I'm confused about. If we're werewolves than why haven't I shifted yet? Im 17 in a couple weeks."

"You haven't shifted yet for good reason." The mood goddess says.

I feel my body vibrate and I know someone's trying to wake me up.

"I have to go, I hope to see you soon."

"Maddie, never forget that you are the strongest one in that house no matter what your rank." Levi says.


I shot up to a sitting possession and pant. I can feel the sweat running down my face.

"Mom, dad." I pant and than fall back onto the pillow.

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