Chapter 26

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I feel like fucking death.

These things inside me are really draining me and Jake will not let me out of the bed room. I haven't been out of the confines of the house for a week and I'm starting to go stir crazy.

My belly is getting really big and I should deliver via C-section in two weeks. We don't want any complications and according to the doctors these babies are growing extremely fast. Faster than he's ever seen werewolf babies grow.

I was worried at first but as long as I carry them two more weeks without incident then they should be perfectly health.

"Ugh." I groan and hold my stomach.

"What? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Jake says, literally hovering over my body.

"Back up, I need my damn space. No it was just a kidney shot. These babies can kick something fierce."

"Okay, baby you know I'm just really protective over you and that babies."

"Over protective." I mutter lowly.

"What was that?" He asks and raises an eye brow.

"Nothing." I flash an innocent smile.

I settle back into the couch and sigh.

Oh right, Jake and I haven't found out the gender of the babies. We have a baby shower later this afternoon and Layla is going to reveal the gender of both babies in a surprise way. It'll be great.

I'm going out for the first time in weeks with Erin and Lacey and we're going to go to the mall and get some clothes that will fit me after I give birth and some gender neutral clothes for the babies.

"Ready to hit the road? We will need to get going now if we want to get a good parking space." Lacey says as she comes into the room.

"Yeah, let's get going before another kidney shot sends Jake into overprotective mate mode again."

"Hey! I'm my defence this overprotective mate is worried about your health and the babies. lace, you better call and tell me if anything happens while your out. I mean it." Jake threatens.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Got help Xavier and Layla get ready for the party. Seriously, get going before I cut something of yours off." I say with a wicked tone.

Ha, I'm evil today.

Hey, it's way better than crying and being upset 24/7.

Stupid hormonal shifts.

I absolutely hate the mood swings that I'm having.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go." Erin rushes into the room and tries to push us out the door, earning a growl from Jake.

"Watch who you growl at cujo, I won't hesitate to cut your balls off. Ou! Or use one of those banana cutter things and you can kiss that dick of yours goodbye." Erin threatens.

Jake turns pale and I can't help but laugh all while my wolf is growling inside.

"Erin, doll, I love you so much but please refrain from harming anything that could be of use to me." I joke.

Jake pales even more.

We all burst out into laughter and Jake just looks embarrassed.

"Awe, sorry honey, I'll mind link you when we get there."

With that we walk out the door and make our way to the mall.

~ * ~

"Oh this is so cute!" Erin smiles as she picks us a newborn pink outfit.

"Gender neutral Erin, yellows and greens and stuff like that. Not pink and blue." Lacey reminds her.

"Hey! Blue can be a girl colour too!" Erin defends.

"Whatever." Lacey rolls her eyes and we go back to looking for clothes for the twins.

I feel my body spin and another kidney shot is taken but one of the twins. An extremely hard kidney shot.

"Agh." I groan in agony.

I grip the rack for stability.

I feel something warm run down my leg.

Did I just pee myself?

I look down on the grown and I feel I major pain in my lower abdominal area.

I scream in agony and fall to the floor.

"Holy shit!" Erin screams.

"Call an ambulance." Lacey tells Erin and I see Erin pick up her phone and press it to her ear.

"Agh!"  I scream at the top of my lungs as my body feels an intense contraction.

Lacey's phone rings and she answers.

I scream again.

"The ambulance is on its way." Erin tells us.

Another contraction, another scream.

"Jake calm down, the ambulance is going to get here soon and everything will be okay I promise you." Lacey says into the phone.

Shit it hurts so bad.

Everything around me spins as I get another contraction.

"No! Do not close your eyes Maddie! Keep your eyes open." Lacey says trying to keep me awake.

My eyes flutter and another contraction hits making me scream and I say the one thing on my mind.

"Get these things out of me right now!"

"The ambulance is close. Stay awake Maddie." Erin says crouching down beside me.

My eyes flutter again and I can't take the pain.

"I'm sorry." I mutter loosely.



So, it's been a month...

I'm sorry.

Anyways here it is.

Oh no!

What do you think? Tell me! I like to know these things!



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