Chapter 21

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It's been a week since Charity helped me out of the coma. I've bonded with everyone in my family and I call the Jackson's mom and dad now.

A lot has happened in this week. No more advances have been taken on my life, Xavier managed to capture Jack and he's now down in the pack dungeon. I've met with my biological parents again we've bonded as well.

My special power to talk to the dead came in handy when Xavier 'accidentally' killed Mason and I wanted to know why he did all that shit to me. I didn't like the answer and I so wish that I could have been the one to kill him.

Jake and I, well after I got over what happened and Jake helped me through my many emotions, we took the relationship to the next level, if you know what I mean.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch sandwiched between Erin and Layla. They've been the two of my bestest most supportive friends I could ever wish for.

"Hey baby." Jake's voice rings through the room.

"Hey babe, what are you doing back so early?" I ask.

He was suppose to be at an Alpha meeting with Xavier because after all he is the Beta.

I look over to Layla. "Where's your boy toy at?"

"He's around." She chuckles.

"You're just as cryptic as Charity." I mumble.

"Who?" Erin asks.

"My wolf." I smile.

"Ah." She replies and I just chuckle to myself.

I have the weirdest group of friends and I swear to the moon goddess that if her being cryptic as fuck has something to do with me I'll flatten her onto her ass.

I look around at each person and they have smiles plastered across their faces.

"Okay what the fuck is going on?" I shout standing up from the couch.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it baby, you know when the time is right."

I roll my eyes and me and the girls head up to my room.

"So, do you want to go shopping? I mean some new clothes, makeup and other girl things." Erin asks.

"Yeah sure, do you wanna head out now?" I ask.

"Sure, you can never spend too much time shopping." Erin shouts running from the room.

Layla and I give each other a look like Erin's finally hit the deep end.

"We better go catch her before she empties the pack bank account." Layla laughs.


"What do you think of this?" Layla asks showing us a casual black and white dress.

"I think it'll look really cute on you." I tell her.

"Yeah. You should totally wear it to when Xav..." Before Erin can finish a hit the back of her head and she slaps her hands over her mouth.

"Fuck." I hear her curse inwardly.

"When Xavier what?" She asks lifting and eyebrow.

"When he...takes you on your next date." I cover up. "He told us he was gunna take you on a really expensive date sometime soon and now, Erin just ruined the surprise."

Okay, so here's what's really going on. Yesterday, Xavier came to Erin, Lacey and I and said he wanted to propose to Layla in a very special way. After we had our girl moment of screaming and being excited, we told him everything that we thought could help plan the perfect proposal.

Lucas proposed to Lacey when I was in my coma and now they're planning their wedding for next June. It's May now so they have just over a year to plan everything. Personally when I get married I will turn to Pinterest and have a Pinterest wedding. Don't know how much Jake will like that idea but whatever, it's totally happening. I honestly want to get married in the fall but I mean, Jake hasn't even asked me yet and ugh, I can't help but wonder what's going through his mind when it's blocked off from me and my girls.

"Really? Awe that's so sweet! I can't wait." She smiles.

"I vote we stop my Starbucks and then head home. I'm sure the boys are waiting for us." Erin says.

"Yeah, let's head out, I just wanna get home and cuddle with my mate." I say with a yawn.

I just want to go home and see Jake.


Ay oh!


Anyways I hope you like it and don't worry I'll still be updating on Thursday!


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