Chapter 17

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She's naked...

My eyes fill with tears at the sight of my mate. All my wolf wants to do is take her here and now. I push him into the back of my mind knowing that now is NOT the time to be thinking such things.

"Maddie baby, it's me, Jake." I whisper through mind link as I push through her wall.

"You deserve someone better that me who isn't a dirty slut." She cries.

"Baby, you're not a slut and you're the only one that I will ever want. Nothing will ever change that." I whisper as I move closer to her.

"You have no idea Jake. I'm so used and broken that you probably won't be able to put me back together after this. You deserve someone who was never used as a toy, someone who was never beaten until they fell unconscious. Someone who isn't going to be afraid every time they see another male." I look over at her to see tears running out of her closed eyes and now all Ace and I want to do is comfort our mate.

"Baby please, come with me back home and I'll make sure none of this shit ever happens again." I beg. I need my mate by my side! I can't live without her!

Her sobs get louder and my heart shrinks knowing that at this time of need I can't help comfort my mate because she's scared half to death of me. I want to do nothing more than rip that son of a bitches head right off his body.

I make my way closer to Maddie and wait every now and then for a reaction to my closeness.

As I get closer and closer and Maddie doesn't react I make a judgement and place my head on the bed right beside her. (A/N he's still in wolf form)

She reaches out her hand and pets my head making me purr in delight that my mate is touching us.

"Please, Jake, take me home." She says just loud enough for my wolf ears to hear.

My inner self is smiling at the facet that she wants to come home but at the same time both myself and my wolf are worried about her well being.

"Xavier, I need some clothes." I say through out mind link.

"Is Maddie okay? And I'll bring you clothes, where are you?"

"Maddie's.....I don't know." I say with a lost sort of tone. "I'm in the house, first hallway, third door in the left."

I just stand and watch my beautiful mate. Nothing could ever happen to her that would make me not want her. Nothing could ever happen to me that would make me not want her. I will always want Maddie 100%.

Xavier enters the room and sees Maddie still curled up in a ball on the bed. He tossed me the bag of clothes we brought and I shifted back into my human self.

I put clothes on my body than I help Maddie put some clothes on I carry her over to Xavier and he nods his wolf head knowing what I'm going to ask.

I place Maddie in his back and she hugs for dear life. I hate seeing my mate in so much pain good thing we'll be home before sun set and she'll be back in my arms safe again.



That little slut got away from me again! Her fucking mate just had to come and rescue her! Ugh my plan has to work out if I'm going to become Alpha of a pack and not rogues like I was always intended to.

My rotten brother stole away my mate and than they had a child together! Maddie is my only chance at being back on top. If I can kidnap her and make her give over the title of Alpha than the title is mine for the taking.

Even after I have the title Maddie wi have no choice but to boat my every word. She'll have to do whatever I want her to do and that list is very long. I plan on killing her horrendous mate and keeping her all to myself. She won't be able to get away and I'll make sure I use certain people to keep her scared to run.

"Flynn!" I shout from my office.

"Yes Jack?"

Flynn is an 18 year old guy who Maddie met and lived with about a year ago. He, along most of the others that fostered Maddie were all rogues and take orders from me. I've had this plan playing out since the day her parents gave her away.

I know what you're thinking, why didn't I just take her when I could? Well she needed to figure out who she was and I wanted her to find her mate to that I could kill him and make her feel the pain of loosing her mate.

"Boy, I want you to go and spy on Maddie and her mate. I want to know when the best time to attack again will be." I tell him.

"Yes sir." He nods and leaves my office.

Phase two of this plan is now set into motion.


Hey so merry early Christmas or happy whatever you celebrate at this time of year. Hope you liked this update and because I celebrate Christmas I'm going to try and update another chapter on Christmas Day as a Merry Christmas to those out thee who celebrate Christmas like me. If you don't just think of it as a normal chapter or maybe an extra chapter! Anyways hope you enjoyed:)


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