Chapter Thirteen : Missing

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That fucking slut! I've been following her around for 17 fucking years and the day I decide to move in on her she finds her fucking mate!

I stair out the window at the blowing snow. I have to get my hands on that little bitch someway, some how.

"Boss, we got the paper you asked for." My 'Beta', Mark, says.

"Leave them on my desk." I reply not breaking my gaze from the window

"Yes sir." Mark says.

I hear the door shut and I turn around to face my desk.

I flip throw the papers and smile at the results. That bitch is as sure as mine.


It's been three days since I left the hospital and came back home; although Jake has never left my side (except for showers) the past few days I've quite enjoyed laying in bed.

"Don't you have something you need to do?" I ask as I turn off the end credits from the movie if just finished watching.

"I told you, I'm no leaving your side." He says.

"Jake!" I hear Xavier shout.

"I guess you're leaving." I say with a smirk.

"What?" He shouts.

"More rouges in the area and we are running low form the last two attacks! We need you out there today."

"Bye." I wave as he leaves the room.

Alone at last.

"Maddie, be careful." Charity says.

"What do you sense?" I ask with worry.

"Something bad is going to happen but I can't tell what. Just please be careful." She pleads.

"Okay Charity, I'll be as careful as I can be." I promise.

I hear the window creek open and I watch as a man comes in my room. I move so I'm sitting up in the bed and I look the man in the eyes.

"Hello Maddie." The man says

"W-who are you?" I stutter.

"You don't need to know who I am, all you need to know is that you are coming with me." He replies with a sheepish grin.

My heart rate spikes and I call out for Jake though our bond.

"Whats wrong baby?" He asks.

The man starts coming closer and closer to me. The worry and fright surge though me and I scream at the top of my lungs.

"What's wrong?" He shouts.

"Jake, help me." I cry.

"Whats going on baby? I'll be there in a few minutes." He says and I can tell he's running.

The man grabs man grabs me by my hair and I scream as loud as I can. I try to put up a wall between Jake and I so he doesn't feel my pain. He can't feel what I'm feeling right now.

"Shut up you little bitch." The man growls.

I feel the tears spill from my eyes and I feel something wet go over my nose. I feel like I'm fading away and I can't stay awake.

Before I know it, it all goes dark.


"Jake, help me." I hear Maddie cry.

Ace senses her fear and takes off running towards the house.

"Whats going on baby? I'll be there in a few minutes." I tell her as I run through the forest.

I feel her pain but seconds after she blocks my thoughts from hers. That could mean one of two things, she's learned how to block out people already or shes out cold. please let her have learned.

I get back to the house and as I get in the door I smell something different. I smell rouge!

I rush up to Maddie's room to find an empty bed and bathroom.


Sorry this chapters short but I'm hoping that the next chapter will be longer because of what just happened. Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter please vote and feel free to comment too. I love you all so much and thank you for getting me up over 300 reads!

thank you all so much!

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