Chapter Eleven : Rouge Attack

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"Rouges?" I snarl.

"Smells like they just entered the territory." Xavier confirms.

"Gather some of the pack. How many do you think are here?" Layla asks.

"Maybe a dozen or so." He replies.

"We need to move fast so they don't get any deeper into the territory." I state

We all rush down the steps as fast as we can and into the living room.

"Are you aware of whats happening?" Xavier pasks his parents the second he sees them.

"Yes. We are still Alpha and Luna off this pack, we know whats going on." Luna replies.

"We need to get some people out there and get them out of our territory." Xavier growls.

"You girls need to stay here. I don't think your mates want you out there and I need someone to protect Maddie; She hasn't shifted yet and if something happens here we want you all to be safe." I say.

"Where do you suggest we stay?" Erin asks.

"Stay somewhere where you can get an easy exit if you need to get away." I say.

"Okay girls, lets go." Layla says leading the way down the hall.

"What do you suppose we do?" Noah asks Xavier and I.

"We get them off the territory with spilling the least amount of blood we can." Xavier answers.

"Lets get to it than." I say and we walk out the door and shift into our wolves.


"So Maddie, anything you want to talk about?" Layla asks.

"Actually I think I need to go to sleep. It's not that I'm tired, I just need some answers." I reply.

"Okay, We'll keep watch for you." She replies.

I hop up onto the bed and burry my head in the pillows. I start to doze off and I feel the pull towards what one person in my past called "Limbo".


"Maddie? Back so soon?" I hear the voice of the moon goddess.

"Yes, I need some answers and I don't know where else to get them."

"Well, what are your questions?" She asks sweetly.

"How am I stronger?" I ask.

"Well, that's not something I'm suppose to tell you. You need to figure it out all on your own." She replies.

"Why is my uncle after me. I know it isn't just be to get back at my folks for finding each other and having me." I reply.

"No, that's not the only reason why he wants you." I hear my mothers voice. "You can see spirits and thats not something thats common."

"But why was I gifted with it?" I ask.

"Well, ever so many hundred years a pack will find someone who can help them through tough times. You, young lady are just that person, just like your mother was and is for the Ice Wolf Pack." The moon goddess says.

"What do you mean someone who can help them though tough times?" I ask wearily.

"Normally there is a gypsy healer or a seer. A healer is someone who has extensive knowledge of herbs and other natural meds that will help a sick, distressed, or pregnant were; a seer is some one who can see into the past or into the future." The moon goddess replies.

"But their's something different about you." Mom says.

"What do you mean different?" I ask hesitantly.

"Well, I guess I have to tell you now, don't I?" The moon goddess jokes. "You have both the abilities of a healer and a seer."

"You think I have both of the gifts?" I ask in shock.

"I know it Maddie." She answers.

"You have to go now, you need to go help your friends." My mother says calmly.

"What? Why? What's going on?" I panic.


I wake up to loud noises; bangs, growls, snarls, thumps.

"Shit." I whisper under my breath.

One of the seven wolves in the room turns to me and growls moving closer to me.

I scream at the top of my lungs and feel something move inside my mind.

I watch as Images flash in my vision and I see the wolf attacking me. I know his moves now and I will not lose this fight.

He jumps for my right and roll off the left side of the bed and onto the floor. Thinking fast, I roll under the bed and onto the other side.

The wolf jumps over the bed and on top of me.

I scream and see another wolf jumps the one on top of me and bites him on the neck. My whole surrounding goes fuzzy and the last thing I see is Jake  before it all goes black.

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