Chapter 18

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Maddie POV

I've been back home with Jake and Xavier for about a week now. I know jack got away and I am constantly looking over my shoulder. I honestly just want to just die and not have to burden anyone with my presence anymore.

After what happened a week ago, I've been locked in my room and I haven't let ANYONE in. Not even my mate. I am constantly crying and feeling like a need to kill myself. Jake and Xavier took all my blades away tho, and ever other possible thing that I could use to cause harm to myself.

I haven't even been eating. I don't deserve food and what I do deserve is to be dead. I don't think Jake gets how much I've been hurt my whole life and how much I wanted to have ended it all.

I haven't told anyone but I heard voices that I recognized when Jack kidnapped me. I know I heard the voices of a few people who have 'taken care of me' if that's what you would even call it.

I'm positive that I heard Flynn, Jackson and Mason...

Those three are the ones who probably scare me the most. Flynn was one of the first to rape me when I was in the system. I was only twelve when it happened and I couldn't do anything because he's three years older than me and we were home alone.

Jackson was Flynns older, much scarier brother. One time he came home to find me under Flynn and I begged him to help me. He just stood there and laughed. He left and five minutes later came back with rope. He tied me to his bed and they took turns using me as their fuck toy.

Mason was one of the worst though. He was one of my latest homes and I honestly don't even know how he was able to get me to be able to live with him. He was 18 and I was 15. My social service person had just left and he grabbed my and tied me to a chair. I was kept there for three weeks and he used me as much as he could and even got some of his friends to join him a few nights. It was one of the worst experiences I ever had to live through. I can't do it again.

It makes perfect sense that they were all with my uncle because they're all disturbed in the mind. They all used me and my uncle just wants revenge on my biological parents because HE was unfit to be Alpha of the pack and my father was. It serves him right that he didn't get to be alpha and now karma will come to bite him in the ass.

"Common Maddie, you've been in that room for a week and you need to eat!" Jake says as he bangs on the door.

I take deep breaths and try my hardest not to cry. I know I'm hurting him by not eating and staying locked up in this room but honestly I feel like I need to just leave and honestly just disappear forever, from everyone's lives. Everything would be so much better if I just left.

I grab a pen and price of paper off the desk and start to write.


I'm sorry that I'm such a bad mate and I'm sorry that you got stuck with me. I'm leaving and I'm hoping to somewhere along the way, find a witch or someway to break the bond between us. I love you, from the moment that you walked in on us playing video games. You were the best thing that happened to me but after what happened I don't deserve you at all and I just have to leave. I'm sorry.

-Maddie xox

I gently place the note on my bed and unlock to door soundlessly. I open the window and jump out without a second thought. I need to get away.

I'm so sorry Jake.


Hey hey hey

Sorry about not updating until like February but I've had a lot on my plate since Christmas and with exams and all I needed to get good marks. My great grandma the passed who I was really close to so I've been using writing as an outlet for my grief. I really hope you like this chapter and I'm hoping to have another one up soon as I'm home all week cuz I'm finished my exams🎉

Thanks xox

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