Chapter 29

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Jake's POV

Weeks on weeks have gone by and the doctors have decided to pull Maddie off life support this afternoon. My parents are watching the twins while I sit in the hospital room and pray that Maddie is strong enough to handle all of this.

I have complete faith in my mate but I still worry that she won't make it out of this. Layla and Xavier are here as well, hoping and praying with me.

"So, as you are aware, Maddie will be pulled off her life support in five minutes. She is in a state that it could go either way." The doctor says again.

I don't know if I'll be able to do this. If things go bad then I may do something that I'll regret in the future. I can't do anything that could get me killed because I have to be there for the twins. If Maddie doesn't make it out of this... I'm all Blyth and Quinn will have left. And I can't leave them without a mother and a father. No, that isn't expectable.

"She will pull through Jake, I have full faith in her. I know she's a strong one. She won't leave her twins." Layla says, trying to reassure me.

I just don't know.

"Listen to my mate, everything will be fine. If what Maddie has gone through in the past is any indication, she's a fighter and she'll get through this." Xavier says.

"Yeah but that's just the thing, what if she has no more fight left in her. What if she can't get through this. Xavier, she's my mate and it's a wonder I'm even functioning right now. If I loose her I don't know what I'll do. I just feel so... So defeated." I sigh.

It could go either way. The doctors voice ring in my head. There's a 50% chance she'll make it out of this. But there's also a 50% chance she won't. That scares the hell out of me.

Maddie hasn't been in my life long and I've already failed to protect her.

I'm the worst mate in the history of ever.

"It's time." The doctor says and my heart speeds up.

I'm so not ready for this.

I grab Maddie's hand and place my head on it. She has to make it through this, she just has to.

They pull her from life support and I hold my breath.




I let out a breath and as I do, I hear the monitor let out one long beep.

No heart beat.

No pulse.

I lift my head with tears in my eyes as I cry.

"Please Maddie, please don't leave me. Please don't leave your daughters. Please don't leave me." I cry, trying to wake her. As if my talking would make her have a pulse again, would make her breath again.


The doctors pull me away from Maddie's lifeless body.

"No!" Layla crus out and collapses to her knees.

This can't be happening.

I just lost my mate, my other half and my wolf is going mad inside me with grief and anger.

"I need to hunt." I growl and leave the hospital.


Maddie's POV

Today's the day.

Today is the day they're taking me off my life support. I ant die, I have to get through this for Jake, for my twins.

"It's time." The doctor says.

I'm really not too ready for this.

With a flip of a switch it becomes hard to breath and I feel my whole boy shut down. I hear my heart monitor let out a ear piecing screech as I no longer have a heart beat.

I can not die! I just can't!

This isn't happening!

"No!" I hear Layla

This can't be it...

It just can't be.


Well, dramatic shit.

Don't worry your pretty little heads off, this ain't the very end. But that will come soon, I promise. So do you think Maddie died?

Anyways sorry bout not updating last weekend but I was volunteering.

Tell me what you think!


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